Les implications de l’économie circulaire et de la transition numérique sur les compétences et les emplois verts dans le secteur du plastique
Guyot Phung, C.
Facts Reports, Institut Veolia (forthcoming)
Involving consumers: The role of digital technologies in promoting ‘prosumption’ and user innovation
Rayna, T. and Striukova, L.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, forthcoming
Competition in treasury auctions
Helmut Elsinger, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler and Christine Zulehner
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2019) 11(1), 1–29
Workers’ task choice heuristics as a source of emergent structure in digital microwork
J.M.Dalle, 0, Kassi, V. Lehdondirta
Working paper (2018)
Touche pas à mon compteur ! Analyse de la construction des discours de mise en risque et des formes de résistance collective face à l’innovation : quand les mairies disent non au Linky
Chamaret C., Steyer V., Mayer J. (2018)
3D printing and ‘industrial revolution’: Where are we at?
Rayna, T. and Striukova, L.
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2018, 32(1):1–4.
Assessing the impact of blockchain on business models
Rayna, T.
International Finance, 2018, IV(7):58–60.
La Santé numérique va-t-elle renverser l’organisation des soins ?
Dumez H., Minvielle E.
La Jaune et la Rouge,revue de l’école polytechnique, 2018, 731
L’e-santé rend-elle la démocratie sanitaire pleinement performative?
Dumez H., Minvielle E
Systèmes d’Information et Management: 2018, Vol. 22 : Iss. 1, Article 2. 9-37.
The impact of technological change on employment: The case of press digitization
Aubert-Tarby, C., Escobar, O. R., Rayna, T.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 108:36–45.
Pricing strategies in online market places and MFN clauses: evidence from the hotel industry
Thomas Larrieu (CREST), Romain de Nijs (CREST)
Working paper (2018)
Platform Price Parity clauses with direct sales
Bjørn Olav Johansen (U. Bergen) , Thibaud Vergé (CREST)
Working paper (2018)
First-mover advantages and the competitive effect of entry in mobile markets
Roxana Fernandez (CREST)
Working paper (2018)
Strategic obfuscation or disclosure by a monopoly when today’s substitutes are tomorrow’s products
Arthur Cazaubiel (CREST)
Working paper (2018)
Substitution between Online Distribution Channels: An Empirical Evaluation on the Scandinavian Hotel Industry
Arthur Cazaubiel (CREST), Morgane Cure (CREST), Bjørn Olav Johansen (U. Bergen) and Thibaud Vergé (CREST)
Working paper (2018)
Taxation of a digital monopoly platform
Marc Bourreau (Telecom ParisTech), B. Caillaud (PSE), R. de Nijs (CREST)
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 20 (1), 2018, 40-51
Gender-specific benefits from ride-hailing apps: Evidence from Uber’s entry in Chile
Vicente Lagos, Angela Munoz and Christine Zulehner
Work in progress (2018)
Success of firm strategies in e-commerce
Franz Hackl, Michael Hölzl, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Christine Zulehner
Work in progress (2018)
Crisis, competition and firms’ workforce: Evidence from procurement auctions
Klaus Gugler, Michael Weichselbaumer, Christine Zulehner
Work in progress (2018)
Evaluation of bidding groups in first-price auctions »
Klaus Gugler, Michael Weichselbaumer, Christine Zulehner
Work in progress (2018)
How bundling impacts firms’ entry decisions: Evidence from broadband internet
Lukasz Grzybowski, Christine Zulehner.
Work in progress (2018)
Bundling and consumer churn in telecommunications
Lukasz Grzybowski, Julienne Liang, Christine Zulehner (2018)
Auctions vs. Copayment Schemes
Eduardo Fiuza, Uli Laitenberger, Christine Zulehner (2018)
Streaming Platform and Strategic Recommendation Bias
Marc Bourreau, Germain Gaudin
CESifo Working Paper No. 7390 (December 2018)
Struktur und Volumen des Marktes von Internetdienstleistungen mit Fokus auf Drittlandsunternehmen
Katharina Nicolay, Irene Bertschek, Christoph Spengel, Ulrich Laitenberger, Thomas Niebel, Peter Buchmann and Ann-Catherin Werner
(2018), Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Berlin
Effectiveness of Merger Remedies: Evidence from the Retail Gasoline Industry
Vicente Lagos (2018),
forthcoming in the Journal of Industrial Economics
How Accurate is the Coordinate Price Pressure Index to Predict Mergers’ Coordinated Effects?
Marc Ivaldi, Vicente Lagos
(2018) forthcoming in Concurrences
Rent Sharing to Control Non-Cartel Supply in the German Cement Market
Joseph E. Harrington, Kai Hüschelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2018), 27, 149–166.
Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Hotel Booking
Matthias Hunold, Kesler, Reinhold, Ulrich Laitenberger, Frank Schlütter
International Journal of Industrial Organization(2018), 61, 542–571.
Impact of competition and regulation on prices of mobile services: Evidence from France
Lukasz Grzybowski, Ambre Nicolle and Christine Zulehner
Economic Inquiry, (2018) 56(2), 1322–1345
Transition from Copper to Fiber Broadband: the Role of Connection Speed and Switching Costs
Lukasz Grzybowski, Maude Hasbi and Julienne Liang
Information Economics and Policy (2018), 42, 1–10
The value of consumer data in online advertising
Marc Bourreau, Bernard Caillaud, Romain De Njis
Review of Network Economics, (2018) forthcoming
Interchange Fees and Innovation in Payment Systems
Marc Bourreau, Marianne Verdier
Review of Industrial Organization, forthcoming (2018)
Gains from Digitization: Evidence from Gift-Giving in Music
Marc Bourreau, Pınar Doğan
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2018) 149, 106–122
Mergers, investments and demand expansion
Marc Bourreau, Bruno Jullien
Economics Letters, (2018), 167, 136–141.
Cooperative Investment, Access, and Uncertainty
Bourreau Marc, Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig
International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2018), 56, 78–106
5G Challenges – An investment incentive framework?
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Lebourges, Orange, France
Presentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018
Re-thinking Spectrum Awards for Optimal 5G Deployment
Lien PDFPDF LinkGérard POGOREL, Professor of Economics, Telecom ParisTech, France and CNRS Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute I3Presentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digitral Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018 -
Debate on the Future Spectrum Management Policy in Japan Is Japan changing course in spectrum awards?
Lien PDFPDF LinkKiyotaka YUGUCHI, Ph.D. Professor, Sagami Women’s UniversityPresentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018 -
5G challenges : French perspective on spectrum issues
Lien PDFPDF LinkPierre-Jean Benghozi, ARCEP, France
Presentation at the conference organised by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018
5G perspective from a fixed wholesale operator
Lien PDFPDF LinkFrancesco Nonno, Open Fiber, Director Regulatory AffairsPresentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chaire, in Paris, 5, October 2018 -
5G: Evolution or Revolution? Implications for Competition & Regulation
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Bourreau, Télécom ParisTech – Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services ChairPresentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018 -
5G challenges
Gabriel Solomon, Ericsson France, Head of Government & Industry Relations, Europe & Latin America
Presentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation in Digitl Services Chair, in Paris, 5, October 2018
5G Challenges – The EU Institutional Framawork
Lien PDFPDF LinkErik Bohlin, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, SwedenPresentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation Chair in Paris – 5 October, 2018 -
5G challenges – Spectrum
Lien PDFPDF LinkEric Fournier – ANFR
Presentation at the conference organized by Telecom ParisTech and the Innovation & Regulation Chair in Paris – 5 October, 2018
Unbundling the Incumbent and Entry into Fiber: Evidence from France
Marc Bourreau, Maude Hasbi and Lukasz Grzybowski
CESifo Working Paper No. 7006 (April 2018).
Market Entry and Fighting Brands: the Case of the French Mobile Telecommunications Market
Marc Bourreau, Yutec Sun, Frank Verboven
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12866 (April 2018).
Mergers and Demand-Enhancing Innovation
Marc Bourreau, Bruno Jullien and Yassine Lefouili
TSE Working Paper, n° 18-907, March 2018.
Fostering Skills for the 21st Century: The Role of Fab Labs and Makerspaces
Rayna, T. and Striukova, L.
Working paper (2018)
Open Social Innovation Dynamics and Impact: Exploratory Study of a Fab Lab Network
Rayna, T. and Striukova, L.
Working paper (2018)
Assessing the Impact of 3D Printing Technologies on Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study
Rayna, T. and Striukova, L.
Working paper (2018)
GDPR: enough or too much privacy for IoT?
Ordieres-Meré J., Jeunemaitre A.
working paper (2018)
The value of consumer data in online advertising
M. Bourreau (Telecom ParisTech), B. Caillaud (PSE), R. de Nijs (CREST),
Review of Network economics, 2018
The Race for Innovation in the Media and Content Industries: Legacy Players and Newcommers for Policy Makers from the Videogame and Cinema Industries.Pierre-Jean Benghozi, École polytechnique, Membre du Collège de l’Autorité des communications électroniques et des postes (ARCEP), Elisa Salvador, ESSCA, Jean-Paul Simon, JPS Consulting
The Shaping of France’s Digital Cultural Policy
Philippe Chantepie, “Inspecteur général des affaires culturelles” in the Ministry for Culture and Communication. Associate Researcher in the “Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service” Chair -
Crowdfunding and the Geography of Innovation
Lien PDFPDF LinkAvi Goldfarb, Toronto University
La 5G : défis, fondamentaux et innovations
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarceau COUPECHOUX, Alain SIBILLE. Télécom ParisTech.
Virtualisation des réseaux et applications à la 5G
Lien PDFPDF LinkPhilippe Martins, Jean-Louis Rougier. Télécom ParisTech.
Une vision d’opérateur sur les usages et déploiements de la 5G
Lien PDFPDF LinkEric Hardouin, Orange Labs
Spectrum 5.0 – Improving assignment procedures to meet economic and social goals.
Lien PDFPDF LinkGérard Pogorel, Télécom ParisTech
Enjeux économiques de la 5G. Quels marchés et quels investissements ?
Lien PDFPDF LinkFrédéric Pujol, Idate-Digiworld.
Quelles conditions politiques et réglementaires pour le succès de la 5G en Europe ?
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Bourreau, Telecom-ParisTech.
La 5G – Réseau du futur
Lien PDFPDF LinkBernard Barani, DG Connect, Commission européenne.
Innovation et régulation de la 5G
Lien PDFPDF LinkJacques Stern, Membre du Collège de l’ARCEP.
La 5G, Réseau(x) du futur
Lien PDFPDF LinkGilles Brégant, Directeur Général de l’ANFR.
5G future networks: What? When? What for?…
The view from 5G PPPLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Pierre Bienaimé, Secretary General, 5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA)
Digital platforms: ecosystems evolutions, strategies ans management of firms
Lien PDFPDF LinkDetailed report of the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, June 1st, 2016.
Plateformes et IoT
Lien PDFPDF LinkRemi Maniak – Ecole polytechnique
Présentation à la conférence sur les plateformes numériques, organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation, le 1er juin 2016.
Lien PDFPDF LinkPrésentation à la conférence sur les plateformes numériques, organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation, le 1er juin 2016.
Les plateformes numériques : Transformations des écosystèmes, stratégies et management des firmes – Introduction
Lien PDFPDF LinkPrésentation à la conférence sur les plateformes numériques, organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation, le 1er juin 2016.
Le SI et ses Utilisa-tuers : Perspectives sur la stratégie IT des organisations à l’heure du cloud
Lien PDFPDF LinkSébastien Tran, ISC Paris, Chercheur associé au Mlab, Université Paris Dauphine et Emmanuel Bertin, Orange Labs .
Présentation présentation au Forum de l’entreprise numérique dans la session organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Le travail invisible des données
Lien PDFPDF LinkJérôme Denis, Télécom ParisTech.
Présentation présentation au Forum de l’entreprise numérique dans la session organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Les véhicules électriques connectés : opportunités et contraintes
Lien PDFPDF LinkYannick Perez, Professeur, Centrale Supelec.
Présentation présentation au Forum de l’entreprise numérique dans la session organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Pour une analyse économique de la notoriété
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlain Le Diberder, Directeur des programmes d’ARTE.
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
La notoriété, ça compte ?
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlain Le Diberder, Directeur des programmes d’ARTE.
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
La guerre des attentions
Lien PDFPDF LinkEric Scherer, France Télévision.
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
L’attention plurielle et ses métriques
Lien PDFPDF LinkDominique Boullier, Professeur, Directeur du médialab, SciencesPo.
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
Mesurer la valeur de l’attention
Lien PDFPDF LinkPhilippe Tassi, DGA de Médiamétrie
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
La mise en marché (des mesures) de l’attention
Lien PDFPDF LinkThomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs, Sense
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
La montée de l’économie de l’attention
Lien PDFPDF LinkKevin Mellet, Orange Labs, Sense
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
Comment mesurer l’attention des utilisateurs ?
Lien PDFPDF LinkSylvain Sénécal, PhD, Pierre-Majorique Léger, PhD, Co-directeurs du techlab, HEC Montréal
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
Lecture(s) d’écran(s)
Lien PDFPDF LinkThierry Baccino, Université Paris 8.
Présentation à la conférence organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation sur l’économie de l’attention, le 21 septembre 2015
Internet Interoperability
Lien PDFPDF LinkRichard Feasey, Senior International Policy Advisor
La régulation des plateformes numériques
Lien PDFPDF LinkCompte-rendu détaillé de la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques, organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation, le 7 avril 2015.
La régulation des plateformes numériques : les GAFA et le marché des jeux vidéo
Lien PDFPDF LinkPierre Forest, PDG de Metaboli
La régulation des plateformes numériques : l’exemple de 1001 pharmacies
Lien PDFPDF LinkCédric O’Neill, Co-fondateur de la plateforme 1001 pharmacie.
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La régulation des plateformes numériques
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Lebourges, Orange
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La régulation des plateformes numériques
Lien PDFPDF LinkNicolas Curien, CSA
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Concurrence et régulation dans les marchés de plates-formes
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Bourreau, Professeur, Télécom ParisTech
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Stratégies et modèles d’affaires des plateformes : principes et applications
Lien PDFPDF LinkThierry Penard, Professeur, Université Rennes 1
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Plateformes et données personnelles : vices et vertus de l’autorégulation
Lien PDFPDF LinkFarice Rochelandet, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Enjeux de régulation d’entreprises « cruciales »
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professeur des Universités. Sciences Po (Paris)
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La multiplication des plateformes dans l’industrie des jeux vidéo
Lien PDFPDF LinkThierry Rayna, Novencia Business School Paris, Imperial College, Londres.
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Les plateformes d’information : vers de nouvelles régulations ?
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlain Strowel, Professeur, UC Louvain, Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles.
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Plateformes multi-médiatiques ou comment Internet redistribue les cartes
Lien PDFPDF LinkNathalie Sonnac, Professeure, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Providing a consistent legal framework to ensure Privacy and Data protection for Big Data and the Cloud
Lien PDFPDF LinkNicolas Dubois, EU-Justice. Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
Data 4 Development
Lien PDFPDF LinkNicolas de Cordes, Orange. Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
The EU concept of Personal Data
Lien PDFPDF LinkClaire Levallois-Barth, Telecom ParisTech. Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
Big Data, Cloud Computing, macroimplications and EU privacy regulation
Lien PDFPDF LinkProf. Federico Etro, Ca’Foscari University of Venice.. Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
Competition and Personal Data
Lien PDFPDF LinkPaul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST). Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
The Law and Economics of Intermediaries of Personal Information
Lien PDFPDF LinkGiacomo Luchetta, Center for European Policy Studies. Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.
Conférence sur l’économie des données personnelles
Lien PDFPDF LinkConférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation le 16 Juin 2014.
Conference on economics of personal data
Lien PDFPDF LinkConference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of digital platforms, 16 June, 2014.
Innovation & Regulation 2.0
Lien PDFPDF LinkNicolas Curien, Associate Resercher at Innovation & Regulation Chair
40 years of innovations and economic models learnings in the video game industry
Lien PDFPDF LinkMyriam Davidovici-Nora Télécom ParisTech
When the Digital Economy Enables Charity for Free : the Case of Search Engines
Lien PDFPDF LinkJulie Bastinutti (University of Lille 1 ‐ LEM) & Cécile Chamaret (Paris-Sorbonne & Abou Dhabi University & CRG, Ecole polytechnique)
Investment strategies in the value chain of the book publishing sector: how and where the R&D someway matter in creative industries?
Lien PDFPDF LinkPierre-Jean Benghozi et Elisa Salvador, Management Research Center (CRG), École polytechnique, Paris
Making ecosystems deliver innovations: a crosssector review
Lien PDFPDF LinkRémi Maniak, Télécom ParisTech, École polytechnique
Price Discrimination in a Two-Sided Market: Theory and Evidence from the Newspaper Industry
Lien PDFPDF LinkCharles Angelucci, Harvard University, Julia Cage, Harvard University, Romain de Nijs, Paris School of Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Integration and Search Engine Bias
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlexandre De Corniere, University of Oxford, Greg Taylor, Oxforf Internet Institut, University of Oxford
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
In Google we trust?
Lien PDFPDF LinkRoberto Burguet, Ramon Caminal, Matthew Ellmany, Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica CSIC, and Barcelona GSE
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Competing with privacy
Lien PDFPDF LinkRamon Casadesus-Masanell, Harvard Business School, Andres Hervas-Dranez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Asymmetric Neutrality Regulation and Innovation at the Edges: Fixed vs. Mobile Networks
Lien PDFPDF LinkJay Pil Choy (New South Wales Univ.), Doh-Shin Jeon (Toulouse School of Economics), Byung-Cheol Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Conference on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Net Neutrality and Inflation of Traffic
Lien PDFPDF LinkMartin Peitz (University of Mannheim), Florian Schuett (Tilburg University)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Game of Platforms: Strategic Expansion in Two-Sided Markets
Lien PDFPDF LinkSagit Bar-Gill (Tel-Aviv University)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Social Networks and the Demand for News
Lien PDFPDF LinkLisa George (Hunter College, CUNY), Christian Peukert (University of Munich)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
The Times They Are A-Changing: Examining the Impact of Social Media on Music Album Sales and Piracy
Lien PDFPDF LinkThomas Frick (Erasmus Univ.), Dimitrios Tsekouras (Erasmus Univ.), Ting Li (Erasmus Univ.). Presentation at the conference organized by the IR Chair on Economics of Information & communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Information Asymmetry and Contracts in the Recorded Music Industry
Lien PDFPDF LinkMaya Bacache-Beauvallet (Télécom ParisTech), Marc Bourreau (Télécom ParisTech), François Moreau (Univ. Paris 13). Presentation at the conference organized by the IR Chair on Economics of Information & Communication Technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Increasing returns to information in digital music downloads
Lien PDFPDF LinkNestor Dutch-Brown (IPTS, European Commission), Bertin Martins (IPTS, European Commission)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
When Is Building a Library Consortium Beneficial?
Lien PDFPDF LinkDoh-Shin Jeon (Toulouse School of Economics) and Domenico Menicucci (Universita degli Studi di Firenze)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Unbundling the incumbent: Evidence from UK broadbandMattia Nardotto, University of Cologne, Frank Verboven, University of Leuven, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, UK, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, CEPR, UKJournal of the European Economic Association, 2014.
Sited, Sighted, and Cited: The Effect of JSTOR in Economic Research
Lien PDFPDF LinkMichael Ward (University of Texas at Arlington)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Social Media and Buyers’ Power: The Cottage Cheese Boycott
Lien PDFPDF LinkYossi Spiegel (Tel Aviv University)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
One Sided Access in Two-Sided Markets
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarianne Verdier (University of Lille 1)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Dynamic Network Competition
Lien PDFPDF LinkHanna Halaburda (Bank of Canada), Bruno Jullien (Toulouse School of Economics), Yaron Yehezkel (Tel-Aviv University)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Playing both Sides of the Market: Success and Reciprocity on Crowdfunding Platforms
Lien PDFPDF LinkDavid Zvilichovsky (Tel-Aviv University) , Yael Inbar (Tel-Aviv University), Ohad Barzilay (Tel-Aviv University)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Spillovers in Networks of User Generated Content
Lien PDFPDF LinkMichael Kummer (ZEW Mannheim)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Migration between Platforms
Lien PDFPDF LinkGary Biglaiser (University of North Carolina), Jacques Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics), Andre Veiga (Toulouse School of Economics)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Mobile Call Termination and Collusion under Asymmetry
Lien PDFPDF LinkEdmond Baranes (LAMETA, University of Montpellier 1), StefanBehringer (University of Heildelberg), and Jean-Christophe Poudou (LAMETA, University of Montpellier 1). Conference organized by the IR Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Platform Openness Strategy
Lien PDFPDF LinkYutec Sun (Telecom ParisTech)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Who should pay for two-way interconnection?
Lien PDFPDF LinkSjaak Hurkens (Institute for Economic Analysis, BGSE), Angel Lopez (IESE Business School)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Fixed-Mobile Substitution, Termination Rates, and Investments
Lien PDFPDF LinkSteffen Hoernig (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Marc Bourreau (Telecom ParisTech), Carlo Cambini (Polytechnic University of Turin)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Bundling Incentives in Markets with Product Complementarities: The Case of Triple-Play
Lien PDFPDF LinkJoao Macieira (Virginia Tech), Pedro Pereira (AdC and CEFAGE-UE) and Joao Vereda (European Commission)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Price Competition in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Consumers and Network Effects
Lien PDFPDF LinkLapo Filistrucchi (TILEC, Tilburg University), Tobias Klein (TILEC, Tilburg University)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Spillovers Effects of Wiring Schools with Broadband: the Critical Role of Children
Lien PDFPDF LinkRodrigo Belo (Carnegie Mellon University), Pedro Ferreira (Carnegie Mellon University), Rahul Telang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and Communication Technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Multimarket Contact, Competition, and Broadband Provider Entry
Lien PDFPDF LinkJames Prieger (Pepperdine University)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Des écosystèmes du jeu vidéo en mutationsLien PDFPDF Link
Report on the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
The European ICT Poles of Excellence
Lien PDFPDF LinkGiuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies – IPTS-Joint Research Centre – European Commission
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Video Games Ecosydtem. Paris, December January 4, 2013
On Creativity and Business Models in the Video Game Industry
Lien PDFPDF LinkPeter Zackariasson, Ph.D. University of Gothenburg,School of Business, Economics and Law
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Video Games Ecosydtem. Paris, December January 4, 2013
An empirical analysis of blockbuster video games
Lien PDFPDF LinkDr. Joe Cox, University of Portsmouth Business School (UK).
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Video Games Ecosydtem. Paris, December January 4, 2013
Business models in (re)construction
Lien PDFPDF LinkGiuditta de Prato, Claudio Feijoo, Jean Paul Simon, (IPTS)
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Video Games Ecosydtem. Paris, December January 4, 2013
Business models and trends in the evolving market for video games
Lien PDFPDF LinkLaurent Michaud, Idate-Digiworld
Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Video Games Ecosydtem. Paris, December January 4, 2013
Information technologies, students’ e-skills and diversity of learning process
Lien PDFPDF LinkAbdel Ben Youssef, GREDEG-CNRS, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University – Mounir Dahmani, Paris Sud University, Nessrine Omrani, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair – Ecole Polytechnique-Paris. Published in “Education and Information Technologies”, August 2013.
Conference on economics of digital platforms
Lien PDFPDF LinkConference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of digital platforms, 23 October, 2014.
An assessment of trends in technology use, innovative work practices and employees’ attitudes in Europe
Lien PDFPDF LinkLudivine Martin CEPS/INSTEAD – Luxembourg & CREM-CNRS, Rennes 1 Univ., Nessrine Omrani, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair – Ecole Polytechnique-Paris. ICT Conference, Munich, October 2013.
The complementarities between ICT use, New Organizational Practicies and Worker’s Contextual Performance: Evidence from Europe in 2005 and 2010
A. Ben Youssef, GREDEG-CNRS–Sophia-Antipolis Univ., L. Martin CEPS/INSTEAD – Luxembourg & CREM-CNRS, Rennes 1 Univ., N. Omrani, I&R Chair–École polytechnique & ADIS Paris Sud Univ. AFSE, June 2013.
The theory of reflexivity and the regulatory practice
Lien PDFPDF LinkNicolas Curien, Professor emeritus at Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris, Founding member of Académie des Technologies, joined the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair as associate Researcher. He proposes a first paper.
Nouveaux modèles économiques et innovation radiophonique
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlbino Pedroia, Onde NumériquePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, June 6, 2013, on « Radio stations at the Digital Age». -
Development of digital radio broadcasting in Europe
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarko Ala-Fossi, University of Tampere, Finland, School of Communication, Media and TheatrePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, June 6, 2013, on the “radio stations at the digital age”.
Le numérique et l’écosystème de la radio
Lien PDFPDF LinkFrédéric Antoine , Professeur UCL (Belgique)Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, June 6, 2013, on «Radio Station at the Digital Age» -
La radio face à l’évolution numérique
Lien PDFPDF LinkReport on the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, June 6, 2013, on «Radio Station at the Digital Age» -
Vers l’entreprise numérique
Lien PDFPDF LinkLe Club des Maîtres d’Ouvrage des Systèmes d’Information -
Use Case: Business Intelligence « New Generation » For a « Zero Latency » Organization (when decisonal & operational BI are fully embedded)
Lien PDFPDF LinkFernando Iafrate, Disneyland Paris -
Managing extended organizations and data governance
Lien PDFPDF LinkEric Buffenoir, UMR 5221 CNRS, Montpellier, France, Isabelle Bourdon, Montpellier Research Management, Montpellier University 2 -
Interoperable Systems and Software Evolution: Issues and Approaches
Lien PDFPDF LinkNorman Wilde, Sikha Bagui, John Coffey, Eman El-Sheikh, Thomas, Reichherzer, Laura White, George Goehring, Chris Terry, University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, U. S. A. -
GrammAds: Keyword and Ad Creative Generator for Online Advertising Campaigns
Lien PDFPDF LinkStamatina Thomaidou, Athens University of Economics and Business, Konstantinos Leymonis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Michalis Vazirgiannis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique & Athens University of Economics and Business -
From Open Innovation to Open Enterprise: Transformation of Digital Pioneering Enterprises
Lien PDFPDF LinkCarine Dartiguepeyrou, Fondation Télécom- Institut Mines Télécom, France -
From Organization Design to Meta Organization Design
Lien PDFPDF LinkRolande Marciniak -
From a strategic view to an engineering view in a digital enterprise: The case of a multi-country Telco
Lien PDFPDF LinkHervé Pacault, Orange -
Enterprise architecture: beyond business and IT alignment
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarcel Lee, Pramana, Paris, France -
Digital Value Chains for Cabon Emission Credits
Lien PDFPDF LinkIchiro Satoh -
Chromatic scales on our eyes: how user trust in a website can be altered by color via emotion?
Lien PDFPDF LinkJean-Eric Pelet, IDRAC International School of Management, University of Nantes, France -
Can Agile Collaboration Practices Enhance Knowledge Creation Between Cross-Functional Teams?
Lien PDFPDF LinkCarine Khalil, Ecole Centrale, France, Valérie Fernandez and Thomas Houy, Télécom ParisTech, France -
Convergence & Organisational Transformation Internal media perspective
Lien PDFPDF LinkSylvain Lafrance, Pôle Médias, HEC Montreal, CanadaPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
The Enterprise as the Experiential Design Platform
Lien PDFPDF LinkRichard Baskerville, Georgia State University,USPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
IT-Business Strategic Alignment Maturity
Lien PDFPDF LinkJerry Luftman, Global Institute for IT ManagementPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
The challenges of Digital Transformation
Lien PDFPDF LinkJean-René Lyon, WydePresentation at the DEDM conférence -
Business Models, Symbionts and Business Ecosystem: A Case Study from E-commerce Industry in China
Lien PDFPDF LinkWei Wei, Wuxiang Zhu and Guiping Lin -
Information Systems Modelling For Enterprise Systems Interoperability
Lien PDFPDF LinkHervé Panetto, University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, Research Centre for Automatic Control, FrancePresentation at the DEDM conférence -
Business Intelligence For a Zero Latency organization
Lien PDFPDF LinkFernando Iafrate, Disneyland ParisPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
An Enterprise Architecture and Data quality framework
Lien PDFPDF LinkJerome Capirossi, NATEA-Consulting, Pascal Rabier, La Mutuelle Generale -
Aligning Alignment with Strategic Context: A Literature Review
Lien PDFPDF LinkKari Hiekkanen, Mika Helenius, Janne J. Korhonen, Elisabete Patricio, Aalto University, Finland -
Regulating prices in two-sided markets: the waterbed experience in mobile telephonyChristos Genakos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE, London, UK, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, UK, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, CEPR, UKTelecommunications Policy, vol. 36, n. 5, 360-368, 2012.
Menaces, Confiance et Technologies
Lien PDFPDF LinkJean-Luc MolinerPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chaire Numériques, Novembre 21, 2012, in Paris on « Cyber-security, Innovation, regulation and strategic shifts». -
Cyber-security : Innovation, regulation et strategic shifts
Lien PDFPDF LinkReport of the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 21, 2012. in Paris
Advertising in Media MarketsLien PDFPDF LinkMartin Peitz, Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI), University of Mannheim, Germany
Keynote presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Online accessibility of academic articles and the diversity of economicsLien PDFPDF LinkTimo Boppart, Kevin E. Staub, University of Zurich, Department of Economics, SwitzerlandPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The Effect of the Internet on Product Quality in the Airline IndustryLien PDFPDF LinkItai Ater, Tel Aviv University, Eugene Orlov, Compass Lexecon
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The Effect of Internet Distribution on Brick-and-mortar SalesLien PDFPDF LinkAndrea Pozzi, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, Italy.Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Geographic Access Rules and InvestmentsLien PDFPDF LinkMarc Bourreau, Telecom ParisTech, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, and CREST-LEI, Paris, Carlo Cambini, Politecnico di Torino and EUI – Florence School of Regulation. Italy, Steffen Hoernig, Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal; CEPR, UK.Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Investment and capital structure of partially private regulated firmsLien PDFPDF LinkCarlo Cambini, Politecnico di Torino and EUI – Florence School of Regulation. Italy, Yossi Spiegel, Tel Aviv University, CEPR, and ZEW. IsraelPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Net Neutrality, Foreclosure and the Fast Lane: An empirical study of the UKLien PDFPDF LinkLaura Nurski, University of Leuven and Ph.D. Fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Competition enhancing regulation and diffusion of innovation: the case of broadband networksLien PDFPDF LinkHarald Gruber (European Investment Bank, Luxembourg) Pantelis Koutroumpis (Imperial College London)Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Why Mobile Networks Prefer High Termination Rates: An Exploration of Strategic DelegationLien PDFPDF LinkSteffen Hoernig, Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, CEPR, London
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Multidimensional Product DesignLien PDFPDF LinkAndré Veiga,Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), France, E. Glen Weyl, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), FrancePresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The Role of Beliefs in Platform CompetitionLien PDFPDF LinkHanna Halaburda, Harvard Business School, Yaron Yehezkel, Tel-Aviv University
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Crowdfunding: Tapping the Right CrowdLien PDFPDF LinkPaul Belleflamme, Universite catholique de Louvain, CORE and Louvain School of Management, Belgium, Thomas Lambert, Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain School of Management, Belgium, Armin Schwienbacher, Universite Lille Nord de France , SKEMA Business School (Universite Lille 2, Faculté de Finance)Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Upward Pricing Pressure in Two-Sided MarketsLien PDFPDF Link
Pauline Affeldt, E.CA Economics, Lapo Filistrucchi, CentER, TILEC, Tilburg University and University of Florence, Tobias J. Klein, CentER, TILEC, Tilburg University
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Delineating Markets for Bundles with Consumer Level Data: The Case of Triple-PlayLien PDFPDF LinkPedro Pereira, AdC and CEFAGE, Tiago Ribeiro, Indera and CENSOC, João Vareda, AdC and CEFAGEPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The interplay between network investment and content quality in the InternetLien PDFPDF LinkEdmond Baranes, University Montpellier 1, FrancePresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Internet Interconnection and Network Neutrality
Lien PDFPDF LinkJay Pil Choi, School of Economics, Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Dep. of Economics, Michigan State Univ., USA, Doh-Shin Jeon, Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR, France, Byung-Cheol Kim, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Conference on Oct. 2012 on “Economics of ICTs”.
Congestion Pricing and Net NeutralityLien PDFPDF LinkBruno Jullien, Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ-CNRS and IDEI, Wilfried Sand-Zantman, Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ and IDEI) and Université de ToulousePresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Competition and Provision of Complementary Open Source SoftwareLien PDFPDF LinkMarkus Reisinger, Dpt of Economics, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar Germany, Ludwig Ressner Dpt of Economics, University of Munich, Germany, Richard Schmidtke, Dpt of Economics, University of Munich, Germany, Tim Paul Thomes, Dpt of Economics, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, GermanyPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
How Does Advertising Ináuence Media Competition? A Two-Sided Market Perspective.Lien PDFPDF LinkDavid Henriques Ofcom – UK Regulator and Competition Authority
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Program Quality and Exclusive ProvisionLien PDFPDF LinkAnna D’Annunzio, Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ), France
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Technological standardization, endogenous productivity and transitory dynamicsLien PDFPDF LinkJustus Baron, Cerna, Center of Industrial Economics, MINES ParisTech,Paris, Julia Schmidt, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), GenevaPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The impact of telecommunication technologies on competition in services and goods markets: empirical evidenceLien PDFPDF LinkVahagn Jerbashian, Anna Kochanova, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University, PraguePresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Sources of ICT spillovers, absorptive capacity and productivity performanceLien PDFPDF LinkAna Rincon, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Michela Vecchi, Middlesex University Business School, Francesco Venturini University of PerugiaPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
And the Bands Played On: Digital Disintermediation and the Quality of New Recorded MusicLien PDFPDF LinkJoel Waldfogel, University of MinnesotaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, October 5-6, 2012, in Paris on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies».
Digitization and the Music IndustryLien PDFPDF LinkJoel Waldfogel, University of MinnesotaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, October 5-6, 2012, in Paris on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies».
Halos Networks: A Competitive Way to Internet of-with ThingsLien PDFPDF LinkAntonio Manzalini & Roberto Minerva Strategy, Future Centre, Innovative Architectures Telecom Italia, Italy, Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom, Evry, France, Vânia GONÇALVES IBBT-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumArticle published in Strategies & Communications Review, in the context of the conférnce organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair in Sept. 2012 on Internet of Things.
How Can the Internet of Things Help to Overcome Current Healthcare ChallengesLien PDFPDF LinkJérôme Couturier, Davide Sola, Giovanni Scarso Borioli, ESCP Europe, Cristina RAICIU 3H PartnersArticle published in Strategies & Communications Review, in the context of the conférnce organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair in Sept. 2012 on Internet of Things.
The Internet of Things, Legal Aspects: What Will Change (Everything)…Lien PDFPDF LinkEric Barbry, Attorney-at-law, Alain Bensoussan law firmArticle published in Strategies & Communications Review, in the context of the conférnce organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair in Sept. 2012 on Internet of Things.
Extending the Internet of ThingsLien PDFPDF LinkGilles Privat, Orange Labs, Grenoble, FrancePresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
How can the Internet of Things help in overcoming current challenges … and make healthcare sustainableLien PDFPDF LinkDavide Sola, ESCP Europe, Jerome Couturier, ESCP Europe, Giovanni Scarso Borioli, ESCP Europe, Cristina Raiciu, 3H PartnersPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
HALOS Networks: a Competitive Way to Internet of-with ThingsLien PDFPDF LinkAntonio Manzalini, Telecom Italia, Strategy Future Centre-Innovative Architectures, Roberto Minerva, Telecom Italia, Strategy Future Centre-Innovative Architectures Vânia Gonçalves, IBBT-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
Internet of Things: Legal aspectsLien PDFPDF LinkEric Barbry, Cabinet Alain BensoussanPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
Internet of things: a challenge or technological fetishismLien PDFPDF LinkMarie-Pierre Besnard, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie-,NIMEC, Frédérique Alfonsi, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie-CREMPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
Internet of Thing: a new space for innovation ?Lien PDFPDF Link
Pierre-Jean Benghozi, École polytechnique, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair
Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
Asia: the raising star on the innovation skylineLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Paul Simon, JPS Public Policy ConsultingPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent Failure in the Digital WorldLien PDFPDF LinkJames Bessen, Boston Univ. School of LawPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The tragedy of the patentLien PDFPDF LinkSimon Forge, SCF Associates LtdPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPRLien PDFPDF LinkPierre-Jean Benghozi, École Polytechnique, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair, Giuditta de Prato, EC,JRC-IPTSIntroduction to the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The EP-INV dataset and preliminary resultsLien PDFPDF LinkAndrea Maurino, Univeristy of Milano Bicocca (IT)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Measuring patent quality and radicalness of patents filed by regions: example of the ICT sectorLien PDFPDF LinkHélène Dernis, REGPAT & OECD-IPR statistics on Digital Technologies, OECD, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
New insights into firm level innovation, user matched UK dataLien PDFPDF LinkBenjamin Mitra-Kahn, Economic Advisor, Economics, Research & Evidence, UK IP Office
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Use of Network Patent Analysis (NPA) for advanced analysis of patent dataLien PDFPDF LinkMike Lloyd, Doris Spielthenner,George Mokdsi, (AU)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
From patent data to information tool: Assessing India as an innovation collaboration partnerLien PDFPDF LinkDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
What are the main strategies to manage a patents por1olio?Lien PDFPDF LinkGeorge Whitten, Patent Attorney Litigator, Qualcomm
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting Strategies: Global R&D NetworksLien PDFPDF LinkMonica Magnusson, Director, Patent Portfolio Management, EricsonPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Standardisation and software protection strategiesLien PDFPDF LinkDr Claudia Tapia Garcia, Director, IP Policy Patent & Standards Strategy, RIM
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting strategiesLien PDFPDF LinkYann Ménière, Ecole des Mines, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent in ChinaLien PDFPDF LinkYang Yang, Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Global innovation networkLien PDFPDF LinkDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms
Lien PDFPDF LinkMarc Bourreau, Telecom ParisTech, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, and CREST-LE, France, Frago Kourandi, Telecom ParisTech, Department of Economics and Social Science, France, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, Telecom ParisTech and CEPR -
Multi‐Channel RetailLien PDFPDF LinkGerald Lang, BEM Bordeaux Management School Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l’Ecole polytechnique (PREG‐CRG)–CNRS, Chaire Innovation & Régulation des Services Numériques.Position paper published in the context of the work of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Servies Chair on Digital distribution
Net neutrality and innovation at the core and at the edge
Lien PDFPDF LinkCarlo Reggiani, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, University of Rome, Telecom ParisTech and CEPR -
Un état des lieux de la presse numériqueLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Marie Charon, IMM / EHESS–CNRS, FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and Labex ICCA, December 13, 2011, on « Prospect for the Digital press »
Media & Content Industry: Newspaper publishing case studyLien PDFPDF LinkAndra Leurdijk, Mijke Slot, Ottilie, Nieuwenhuis, NL
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and Labex ICCA, December 13, 2011, on « Prospect for the Digital press »
Franchise et stratégies « multi-canal »Lien PDFPDF LinkGérard Cliquet, CREM UMR CNRS 6211, Université de Rennes 1, IGR-IAE, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
Les enjeux du multicanal pour les réseaux de franchiseLien PDFPDF LinkGuy Gras, Yves Rocher, Président de la Fédération Française de la FranchisePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
Crosscanal et Innovations ServicesLien PDFPDF LinkJulien Morel, Directeur des opérations, Nespresso FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
Web to store, mobile to store et medias sociaux : les nouveaux parcours clientsLien PDFPDF LinkThomas Stenger, IAE de l’Université de Poitiers, laboratoire CEREGE et Institut des Sciences de la Communication du CNRS (ISCC), FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
Comment le site Internet d’une enseigne modifie le comportement de ses clients en magasinLien PDFPDF LinkRégine Vanheems, Maître de conférences, Université Paris I Sorbonne, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
International Multi Channeling – Strategies and TrendsLien PDFPDF LinkProf. Dr. Gerit Heinemann, Hochschule Niederhein, Director eWeb Research Center. Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 3, 2011, on « Distribution in the digital age »
The dynamics of protection and imitation of innovationsLien PDFPDF LinkEmeric Henry, Sciences Po Paris, Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda, Ecole PolytechniquePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
R&D coordination in standard setting organizations: The role of consortiaLien PDFPDF LinkJustus Baron, Cerna, MINES ParisTech, Yann Ménière, Cerna, MINES ParisTech, Tim Pohlmann, Technische Universiät Berlin.
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Network competition with income effectsLien PDFPDF LinkThomas P. Tangeras, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), SwedenPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Platform Competition under Asymmetric InformationLien PDFPDF LinkHanna Halaburda, Harvard Business School, Yaron Yehezkel, Tel Aviv University
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Understanding the Effects of Violent Video Games on Violent CrimeLien PDFPDF LinkA. Scott Cunningham, Baylor University, Benjamin Engelstätter, ZEW Mannheim, Michael R. Ward, University of Texas at Arlington
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Aggregators, Search and the Economics of New Media InstitutionsLien PDFPDF LinkLisa George, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, Christiaan Hogendorn, WeslyanPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Exclusive Contents and Next Generation NetworksLien PDFPDF LinkJuan Jose Ganuza, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics, Marıa Fernanda Viecens, FEDEA
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Net Neutrality, Boon or Bane for Free File Sharing Service?Lien PDFPDF LinkTong Wang, Toulouse School of Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
IT and Productivity in Developed and Developing CountriesLien PDFPDF LinkJason Dedrick, Syracuse University, Kenneth L. Kraemer, University of California, Irvine, Eric Shih, Sungkyunkwan University
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Regulating one side of a two-sided market: the French advertising ban on prime-time state televisionLien PDFPDF LinkLapo Filistrucchi, Department of Economics, CentER and TILEC, Tilburg University and Department of Economics, University of Florence, Luigi Luini, Department of Economics, University of Siena, Andrea Mangani, Department of Economics, University of PisaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
ICT Use and Labor: Firm-Level Evidence from TurkeyLien PDFPDF LinkHilal Atasoy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Evidence on the Impact of R&D and ICT Investment on Innovation and Productivity in Italian FirmsLien PDFPDF LinkBronwyn H. Hall, University of California at Berkeley, Maastricht University, NBER, and IFS. Deparment of Economics, Francesca Lotti, Economic Research Department, Bank of Italy, Jacques Mairesse, CREST (ENSAE, Paris), UNU-MERIT (Maastricht University), and NBERPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Attention Retention: Targeted Advertising and the Provision of Media ContentLien PDFPDF LinkGreg Taylor, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UKPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Joint Customer Data Acquisition and Sharing among RivalsLien PDFPDF LinkNicola Jentzsch, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) and Technische Universität Berlin, Geza Sapi, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Irina Suleymanova, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) and Technische Universität Berlin.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Online advertising and privacyLien PDFPDF LinkAlexandre de Corniere, Romain de Nijs, Paris School of Economics and CREST (LEI).
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Does the growth of mobile markets cause the demise of fixed networks? – Evidence from the European UnionLien PDFPDF LinkAnne-Kathrin Barth, Ulrich Heimeshoff, Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Online Sharing and Cultural GlobalizationLien PDFPDF LinkAndres Hervas-Drane, City University London – Sir John Cass Business School, Eli M. Noam, Columbia Business School – Finance and Economics; Columbia Business School – Institute for Tele InformationPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Acquisitions, Entry and Innovation in Network IndustriesLien PDFPDF LinkPehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson and Joacim Tåg, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Sweden.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Investment, Dynamic Consistency and the Sectoral Regulator’s ObjectiveLien PDFPDF LinkDuarte Brito, Departamento de CiÍncias Sociais Aplicadas, Faculdade de CiÍncias e Tecnologia, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CEFAGE-UE, Pedro Pereira, AdC, Joao Vareda, AdC and ISTPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Access Rules and Investment IncentivesLien PDFPDF LinkDavid Sauer, Toulouse School of Economics, FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Can Access Price Indexation Promote Efficient Investment in Next Generation Networks?Lien PDFPDF LinkDavid Henriques, New York University, L. Stern School of Business, Nova School of Business and Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Role of access charges in the migration from copper to FTTHLien PDFPDF LinkFrançois Jeanjean & Julienne Liang, Orange, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Essential Patents and Standard DynamicsLien PDFPDF LinkJustus Baron, Cerna, Centre d’économie industrielle. MINES ParisTech,France, Knut Blind, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin Germany, Tim Pohlmann, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin, Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Taste for exclusivity and intellectual property rightsLien PDFPDF LinkDominik Grafenhofer, Toulouse School of Economics, Christian Kiedaisch, ETH Zurich
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Intangibles and accounting structures in regulated industries: conceptual framework and practicesLien PDFPDF LinkGiuseppe Marzo, University of Ferrara, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
La technologie comme outil créatif : les enseignements du processus de création dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo
Lien PDFPDF LinkPatrick Lê, HEC School of management, David Massé, Simon Berthet-Bondet, PREG-CRG Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas Paris, HEC/PREG-CRG. Presentation at the workshop organized by the I&R Chair and IPTS, Sept. 13, 2011, on “The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem”
Les jeux vidéo : une filière des industries culturelles ? Éléments de cadrage, hypothèses et perspectives de recherchesLien PDFPDF LinkLucien Perticoz, GRESEC– Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, FrancePresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Introduction au phénomène du Machinima du point de vues des économistesLien PDFPDF LinkMassimiliano Gambardella, EconomiX, Université de Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Effets de la convergence d’industries sur le choix stratégique associé à l’organisation du processus d’innovation : Le cas du jeu vidéo et du cinéma d’animationLien PDFPDF LinkRomain Gandia, Groupe ESC Chambéry, France
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Processus d’innovation Business Model dans l’industrie du jeu vidéoLien PDFPDF LinkChahira Mehouachi, DRM, Université Paris-Dauphine, Patrick Cohendet, Mosaic, HEC Montréal, BETA, Université de Strasbourg, Pierre-Jean Benghozi, CRG, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Chaire Innovation & Régulation des Services Numériques
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Mobile Gaming: An overview of the ecosystemLien PDFPDF LinkClaudio Feijóo, Technical University of Madrid, SpainPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Updating Business Models: Innovation through Online GamesLien PDFPDF Link
Giuditta de Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
The economics of the video games industryLien PDFPDF Link
Jean Paul Simon, JPS Consulting
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Margin squeeze strategies in the telecom sector: a comparative analysis of US and European competitive case-lawLien PDFPDF LinkFrédéric Marty, CNRS Fellow, Research Group on Law, Economics and ManagementPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
How firms interact and perform in the ICT ecosystem?Lien PDFPDF LinkAntonin Arlandis, Stéphane Ciriani, Coe-RexecodePresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Complementarities, intangibles and the corporate accounting system: an economic map for industrial regulationLien PDFPDF LinkYuri Biondi, PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique, France, Pierpaolo Giannoccolo, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Dynamic (In)consistent Antitrust Enforcement and Cartel Infringement Antitrust and Cartel: A Differential Game ApproachLien PDFPDF LinkMehdi Feizi, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
The investment and innovation dilemma in regulation : Theory and international experiencesLien PDFPDF LinkChristine Müller, WIK, GermanyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Complexité tarifaire, pouvoir de marché et régulation : le cas des télécommunicationsLien PDFPDF LinkLilia Rebaï, Sup Com’Tunis, David Flacher, Université Paris 13 – CEPN – CNRS UMR 7234Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Three fundamental trends structuring digital economics and its challengesLien PDFPDF LinkFranck Lirzin & Stéphane Reiche, Mines ParisTechPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Does Public Contract Law meets Accounting? A comparative analysis of the Judge’assassment of cost pricing in litigation on contract performance (France-US)Lien PDFPDF LinkThierry Kirat, CNRS-IRISSO-Paris Dauphine, Laurent Vidal, Institut André Tunc, Paris 1Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Les nouvelles intermédiations techniques : l’exemple des jeux vidéoLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Paul Simon, JPS Consulting, IPTS, CE.Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Infomédiaires et éditeurs de contenu : entre coopération et concurrenceLien PDFPDF LinkFranck Rebillard, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Marchés de plates-formes et intégration verticaleLien PDFPDF LinkXavier Wauthy, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Quelles formes d’exclusivités pour les contenus audiovisuels ?Lien PDFPDF LinkPascal Wilhelm, Avocat, cabinet Wilhelm & AssociésPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Le numérique : enjeux des questions de concurrenceLien PDFPDF LinkAnne Perrot, Vice-Président of the Competition AuthorityPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)Lien PDFPDF LinkDetailed report of the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)«
Cultures-Médias et Numérique : Nouvelles questions de concurrence(s)Lien PDFPDF Link
Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Mutations des réseaux et effets sur le marché des contenusLien PDFPDF LinkThierry Pénard, Université de Rennes 1, CREM, Marsouin. France
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
La pratique des autorités de concurrence face à la révolution numériqueLien PDFPDF LinkOlivier Sautel (Microeconomix), Chercheur associé à l’OFCE.
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Convergence numérique et redéfinition des marchés pertinents : quel partage des rôles entre politiques de concurrence et régulation sectorielle ?Lien PDFPDF LinkFrédéric Marty CNRS–GREDEG (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Agrégation, Référencement et Infomédiation. La place des agrégateurs dans les nouveaux marchés : le cas des jeux vidéoLien PDFPDF LinkLaurent Sorbier, Directeur général de mySkreenPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Duties of Care for Internet services providersLien PDFPDF LinkProf. Dr. Nico van Eijk, Institute for Information Law (IViR), Catherine Jasserand, LL.MPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 30 November 2010
The Attention Economy of Search and Web AdvertisementLien PDFPDF LinkAlexander White, Harvard Department of Economics, Kamal Jain, Microsoft Research
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, September 15, 2010, on »Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effects on Consumers »
The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search RankingsLien PDFPDF LinkZsolt Katona, Ron Berman, University of California at BerkeleyPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, September 15, 2010, on »Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effects on Consumers »
Privacy Regulation and Online AdvertisingLien PDFPDF LinkAvi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker, University of Toronto and MIT Sloan
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, September 15, 2010, on »Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effects on Consumers »
Economic Growth and the Design of Search EnginesLien PDFPDF LinkGilles Saint‐Paul, Toulouse School of Economics, France
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, September 15, 2010, on »
Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effects on Consumers » -
Les modèles économiques du livre et la numérique : quelle stratégie pour les éditeurs? Le cas suisseLien PDFPDF LinkPhilippe Gendret, Edipresse, Directeur Digital & Business DevelopmentPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, June 15, 2010, on » The Business models of the Book industry and the digital economy »
Une synthèse sur les modèles économiques du livre numériqueLien PDFPDF LinkFrançoise Benhamou, Professeur des Universités, Vice-présidente, Université Paris 13.Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, June 15, 2010, on » The Business models of the Book industry and the digital economy »
Les modèles d’affaires : cœur des stratégies dans les industries de contenuLien PDFPDF LinkPierre-Jean Benghozi, Ecole polytechnique–CNRSPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, June 15, 2010, on » The Business models of the Book industry and the digital economy ».
Economics of malware: security decisions, incentives and externalitiesLien PDFPDF Link
Michel Van Eeten, Delft University of Technology, NL, Johannes M. Bauer, Michigan State University, USA.
OECD, STI WORKING PAPER 2008/1, Information and Communication Technologies
The role of the ISPs in botnet mitigation. An empirical analysis based on spam data.Lien PDFPDF Link
Michel Van Eeten, Delft University of Technology, NL, Johannes M. Bauer, Michigan State University, USA, Hadi Asghani, Trend Micro Inc, USA, Shirin Tabatabaie, Delft University of Technology, NL, Dave Rand, Trend Micro Inc, USA.
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, June 23, 2010, on « Security, Internet, and the prevention of spam: The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation ».
Economic Models in a Growing Market: The Electronic BookLien PDFPDF LinkFrançoise Benhamou, Université Paris XIII, Olivia Guillon, École normale supérieure Cachan, France
Google Books : le risque du private ordering en l’absence de régulation
Lien PDFPDF LinkAlain Strowel, Professeur, Facultés Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Université de Liège, Munich IP Centre, avocat, Covington & Burling LLPPresentation at the conference orgaized by the Innvation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 15 June 2010, on « the Business Models of the book industry in the digital economy »
Management and governance of online communitiesLien PDFPDF LinkPaul.A David, Professor (Emeritus), Senior Fellow of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Titular Professor of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Bernardo A. Huberman, Social Computing Lab, HP Labs.Summary of the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 27 May 2010, on « Management and governance of social networks and digital communities. »
Social AttentionLien PDFPDF LinkBernardo A. Huberman, Social Computing Lab, HP LabsPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 26 May 2010, on « Management and governance of social networks and digital communities. »
Les nouveaux modèles économiques du livre numériqueLien PDFPDF LinkMarin Dacos, Centre pour l’édition électronique ouvertePresentation at the conference orgaized by the Innvation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 15 June 2010, on « the Business Models of the book industry in the digital economy »
Google Books : quel futur pour l’accès aux livres ? Une bibliothèque universelle en devenir ou une future galerie commerciale ?Lien PDFPDF LinkAlain Strowel, Professeur aux Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis et à l’Université de Liège, avocat. Belgium
Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European WaysLien PDFPDF LinkLaurent Gille, Télécom ParisTechIntroduction to the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
E-commerce Business Models in ChinaLien PDFPDF LinkWang Shengzhi, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, E-Commerce Research Center, ChinaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Business model of QQ-IM in ChinaLien PDFPDF LinkXiaodong Hai, , BUPT,China, Telecom ParisTech, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
The emergence of content distribution innovative business models: the case of online artists and viral advertisingLien PDFPDF LinkRemi Douine, The Metrics Factory
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
C2C, B2C: new business models or the ubiquity 2.0 paradigmLien PDFPDF LinkHenri Tcheng, Isabelle Denervaud and Jean-Michel Huet, BearingPoint
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Business model of IPTVLien PDFPDF LinkStéfane France, Content division, Orange, FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Development Trend of Digital City in ChinaLien PDFPDF LinkDr Chen Jinqiao, Deputy Chief Engineer, China Academy of Telecommunication Research, Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Business Models in Mobile TVLien PDFPDF LinkVincent Grivet, TDF, FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Online business models in the banking industry: in search of innovationLien PDFPDF LinkKonstantinos Liakeas, Department of Financial and Management Engineering, University of the Aegean, GreecePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
Internet of Things and Mobile Commerce in ChinaLien PDFPDF LinkTing-Jie Lu, Assistant to President of Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, Fellow of China Institute of Communications.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 18 December 2009, on « Innovative business models in the digital economy: Chinese and European Ways ».
The Software Interface between opyright and Competion Law. A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer ProgramsLien PDFPDF LinkAshwin Vanrooijen, Clifford ChancePresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Interoperability, Open Standards, Free Software after MicrosoftLien PDFPDF LinkCarlo Piana, LawyerPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
The Microsoft CaseLien PDFPDF LinkCecilio Madero-Villarejo, Director-DG Competition-European CommissionPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Monetizing Business Assets in Multisided Markets: An Economic PerspectiveLien PDFPDF LinkBruno Jullien, IDEI, Toulouse School of Economics.Presentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
How to license interoperability? A start-up perspectiveLien PDFPDF LinkMikko Valimaki, Helsinki University of Technology.Presentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Fragmentation vs InteroperabiltyLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Pierre Temime, Orange, France
Presentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
DRM MisuseLien PDFPDF LinkNicolo Zingales, Berkeley University, Bocconi UniversityPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Some ITU-T standardization topics and related interoperability aspectsLien PDFPDF LinkMarco Carugi, ITU-T SG13 Vice-Chair and Q.3/13 Rapporteur, Senior Advisor, Nortel Networks
Presentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
ICT Interoperability and e-Innovation. Some conclusions from a transatlantic studyLien PDFPDF LinkUrs Gasser, Law Ewecutive Director, Berkman Center and University of St Gallen. SwitzerlandPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Standardisation landscape & impact of Internet in the telecom industryLien PDFPDF LinkPhilippe Lucas, VP International Standardisation & Industry Relationships, Orange
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
The rise of service standards between socialization and commodificationLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Christophe Graz, Institute of Political International Studies, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Technological normativity v. Legal normativity – the virtues of the explicitLien PDFPDF LinkYves Poullet & Antoinette Rouvroy, CRID–FUNDP, Namur, Belgium
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Standardisation, Innovation, EU Neighbourhood Policies and beyondLien PDFPDF LinkRichard Delmas, EC-DG-INFSOPresentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Considerations on Innovation and Competition PolicyLien PDFPDF LinkGeorg C. F. Greve, Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
The problems with(in) online communitiesLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Michel Dalle, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
New Web Standards in the MakingLien PDFPDF LinkFrançois-Xavier Dudouet, Univ. Paris-Dauphine, Economic Sociology, Benjamin Nguyen, Univ. Versailles Computer Science, Antoine Vion, Univ. Aix-Marseille II Political Science.
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Internet Standardisation remains unilateralLien PDFPDF LinkLouis Pouzin, Eurolinc
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
A Closer Look at the Internet’s Standards Setting ProcessLien PDFPDF LinkKai Jakobs, RWTH, Aachen University, Computer Science Department, NL
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
ICT standardisation and the place of InternetLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Pierre Henninot, French Ministry Finances & Industry, Vice-Chairman ETSI BoardPresentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Technical Standards and Behavioral Norms: a subject more complex than economists imaginedLien PDFPDF LinkPaul A. David, Chaire Innovation & Regulation, Paris, and Stanford UniversityIntroduction to the Workshop organized by the Innocation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
La régulation des relations fournisseurs-distributeurs dans le commerce de détail en FranceLien PDFPDF LinkMaya Bacache, Telecom ParisTechPosition paper prepared in the framework of the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet »
Bargaining, power and the net neutrality problemLien PDFPDF LinkClaudia Saavedra, Ecole Polytechnique
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
The FCC‟s Comcast net neutrality decision: convergence with Europe?Lien PDFPDF LinkWinston Maxwell, Partner Hogan & Hartson MNP, David Sieradzki, Hogan & Hartson LLPPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
The Economics of Digital Business ModelsLien PDFPDF LinkEric Brousseau, EconomiX, Paris X University, IUFPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Online price dispersion : What can we learn from Amazon Marketplace?Lien PDFPDF LinkPatrick Waelbroeck, Telecom ParisTech
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Time Consistency and Seller Commitment in Inter-temporal Movie Distribution: An Empirical Study of the Video Window
Lien PDFPDF LinkDavid Waterman, Sung-Choon Lee, Indiana University, Andrew A. Weiss, Australian National Univ. Presentation at the conference organized by the I&R Chair, Paris, Feb 2 , 2009, on “Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet”.
Price Discrimination in Input MarketsLien PDFPDF LinkTommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, University or Rome and CEPR, Roman Inderst, University of Frankfurt, Imperial College London and CEPR
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Foreclosing Competition through Access Charges and Price DiscriminationLien PDFPDF LinkÁngel L. López, IESE (SP-SP), Patrick Rey, Toulouse School of Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Retail Planning and Retail Food Sector: Empirical Analysis and Assessment of the Raffarin LawLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Louis Monino, University Montpellier I, Stephane Turolla, University Rennes I
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
The Galland Law and its ReformsLien PDFPDF LinkMarie-Laure Allain, Department of Economics, Ecole polytechique, CNRS, CREST-LEI, Claire Chambolle, INRA and Laboratoire d’Econométrie de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Thibaud Vergé, ENSAE, CREST-LEI.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
E-commerce and vertical relationshipsLien PDFPDF LinkAnne Perrot, Vice-Présidenteof the Competition AuthorityPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
RFID in healthcare applications: Simulation as a decision support toolLien PDFPDF LinkSylvain Housseman & alii, PhD candidate, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Map of Risks for the Implementation of RFID solution: Application of Ancillaries in the University Hospital Jean Verdier – APHPLien PDFPDF LinkEric Bertrand, Dpt. of Strategy and Quality, University Hospital of Ambroise Pare, Paris, Joël Schlatter, Department of Pharmacy,University Hospital of Jean Verdier, Paris
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID-Enabled warehouse optimization: lessons from early adopters in the 3PL industryLien PDFPDF LinkSamuel Fosso Wamba, University of Wollongong, Australia, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CanadaPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Evaluation of the interest of RFID in the medication use system: Application to chemotherapy process.Lien PDFPDF LinkRémy Collomb et alii, Department of Pharmacy,University Hospital of Nice, FrancePresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Evaluating the Readiness for Integrating RFID with Enterprise Systems in the Healthcare Supply ChainLien PDFPDF LinkTim McLaren, Anan Kittana, Norman Shaw, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID & Item-Level Information VisibilityLien PDFPDF LinkZhou Wei, Department of Information System & Operations, Management University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Project « DTC »: a threefold experimentation of RFID-based tracking for improving organizational health related processes in hospitalLien PDFPDF LinkYannick Meiller, PhD, Novapten
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Lab#ID: a project of technology transferLien PDFPDF LinkAurelio Ravarini, PhD, CETIC Research Center, Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza, Italy
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID and Health CareLien PDFPDF LinkFederico Pigni, PhD,LabID-RFId Lab, Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID Solutions: An Opportunity for the Health Care Industry?Lien PDFPDF LinkSylvain Bureau, PREG – Ecole Polytechnique, Assistant Professor ESCP-EAPS.Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID and health care: What are the main challenges?Lien PDFPDF LinkP.J. Benghozi, Ecole Polytechnique, PREG and Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sylvain Bureau, PREG – Ecole Polytechnique, Assistant Professor ESCP-EAPS.
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID-enabled analysis of service delivery and process visibility in ambulatory care: preliminary analysisLien PDFPDF LinkRema Padman et alii PhD, Carnegie Mellon UniversityPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
RFID in the critical care environment: it IT safe?Lien PDFPDF LinkErik van Lieshout, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 13 , 2008, on « ICTs and Health »
Adoption of Digital Information Network Technology by Public Sector Service Organizations in EuropeLien PDFPDF LinkJean-Sébastien Bedo, Orange Labs, Paris, Paul A. David, Stanford University & UNU-MERIT (Maastricht) & Chaire Innovation et Régulation des Services Numérique, Paris and Andrea Pozzi, Stanford University.Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 8, 2008, on « Innovation & regulation in ICTs »
Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market AnalysisLien PDFPDF LinkNicholas Economides, Stern School of Business, New York University, and NET Institute, Joacim Tag, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 8, 2008, on « Innovation & regulation in ICTs »
Innovation, Openness & Platform ControlLien PDFPDF LinkGeoffrey Parker, Tulane University, Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston University & MIT
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 8, 2008, on « Innovation & regulation in ICTs »
Regulatory governance and telecommunications performance: an overviewLien PDFPDF LinkLuis H. Gutiérrez, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, ColombiaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Regulatory governance and telecommunications performance: What have we learnt?Lien PDFPDF LinkLuis H. Gutiérrez, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, ColombiaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Broadband and Contributions to Economic Growth: Lessons from the U.S. ExperienceLien PDFPDF LinkLynne Holt and Mark Jamison, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, US
Paper prepared for the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in the context of the conference organized in Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Catching up in broadband regressions: Does Local Loop Unbundling Really Lead to Material Increases in OECD Broadband Uptake?Lien PDFPDF LinkGlenn Boyle, Bronwyn Howell (New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation (ISCR), New Zealand), Wei Zhang Southern Illinois University, USPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Inconsistent Regulation, Market Structure and Broadband Adoption in the EU: A Dynamic ModelLien PDFPDF LinkRichard Cadman, SPC Network and ESRC, Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, UK
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Investment in Telecommunication InfrastructureLien PDFPDF LinkTobias Veith, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), University of Manheim, Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Efficiency of Public Promotion Policies and Broadband Diffusion. A Net Neutrality PerspectiveLien PDFPDF LinkFrancesc Miralles, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SpainPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Broadband and Contributions to Economic Growth: Lessons from the U.S. ExperienceLien PDFPDF LinkLynne Holt, Mark A. Jamison, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, US
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Broadband Policy: Growth, Jobs and InvestmentRobert W. Crandall, The Brookings Institution
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »