12th AFREN Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics organized with the support of the Chair

Published on 11 octobre 2024

AFREN (the French Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Chair of Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, organizes the 12th edition of the Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics. It will take place on November 8th, 2024 at Telecom Paris (Palaiseau).

The workshop brings together French-speaking researchers specialized in digital economics and provides an opportunity for young researchers to present their research.

Digital Economics Summer School. 10th Edition


From July 3, 2023 to July 4, 2023

The 10th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School organized by AFREN (the Francophone Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, took place in Rennes on June 27-28, 2024. As in previous years, this summer school provided an opportunity for researchers interested in the digital economy to meet and discuss their research.

15th Digital Economics Conference

Telecom Paris (Palaiseau)

From March 21, 2024 to March 22, 2024

The 15th Paris Conference on Digital Economics took place on March 21 and 22, 2024 at Télécom Paris in Palaiseau. The keynote speakers were Michelle Sovinsky (University of Mannheim) and Steve Tadelis (UC Berkeley).

The program can be found here: https://www.digitaleconomics-paris.fr/


11th AFREN Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics organized with the support of the Chair

Published on 7 mars 2024

AFREN (the French Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Chair of Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, organized the 9th edition of the Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics on November 27, 2023 at Telecom Paris (Palaiseau).

The workshop brought together thirty French-speaking researchers specialized in digital economics and provided an opportunity for young researchers to present their research.

Digital Economics Summer School. 9th Edition


From July 3, 2023 to July 4, 2023

The 9th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School organized by AFREN (the Francophone Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, took place in Avignon on July 3-4, 2023.

14th Digital Economics Conference

From March 30, 2023 to March 31, 2023

The 14th Paris Conference on Digital Economics was held on March 30 and 31, 2023 at Télécom Paris in Palaiseau and gathered about 50 international researchers.

The keynote speakers were Giacomo Calzolari (European University Institute) and Heski Bar-Isaac (University of Toronto). Giacomo Calzolari spoke about artificial intelligence, recommendation algorithms and their implications for competition. Heski Bar-Isaac discussed the different possible mechanisms for a platform to assign for a prominent position (algorithm, auction, etc.).


Digital Sobriety and AI Ethics


From April 14, 2023 to April 14, 2023
La Chaire Innovation & Régulation organise le vendredi 14 avril 2023 de 9h30 à 18h00 (heure de Paris) une journée entière sur les enjeux de sobriété et d’éthique de l’IA dans le secteur du numérique.


L’événement se tiendra au CNAM (292 Rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris), en français. L’inscription est obligatoire via ce formulaire en ligne.


L’objectif de cet événement est de permettre un partage d’expériences et de réflexions entre praticiens et chercheurs.

La matinée sera consacrée à la sobriété numérique autour, notamment, des questions suivantes : où en est-on des actions permettant de promouvoir une plus grande sobriété numérique, à la fois du côté de l’infrastructure réseau, des fournisseurs de service (cloud, etc.), et des utilisateurs (« nudge », box qui se mettent en veille automatiquement, etc.) ? Quels sont les challenges qui se posent à l’heure actuelle ? Comment appréhender les enjeux de la sobriété numérique face aux nouvelles technologies (6G et futurs réseaux, Metaverse, etc.) et à l’explosion des technologies actuelles (domotique, « devices »). Comment évaluer l’impact (positif, notamment) du numérique en dehors des métriques connues ? Quels sont les effets pervers de la sobriété numérique (par ex. réduction d’usage du numérique entrainant un impact négatif plus large par ailleurs) ?

Table ronde 1 : la sobriété numérique, état des lieux, obstacles, trajectoires et percées opérationnelles (9h30-10h45).
– Régis CHATELLIER, Innovation and Foresight Project Manager à la CNIL ;
– Charles MARIAUX, Responsable économie numérique, cyber, numérique durable au MEDEF ;
– Nathalie OMNES LABIDURIE, Researcher and network expert on sustainability chez Orange ;
– Okan TUREDI, Directeur général de Nation Data Center.

Pause-café : 10h45-11h15

Table ronde 2 : la sobriété numérique, enjeux et perspectives d’avenir (11h15 – 12h30).
– Jean-Benoît BESSET, Directeur RSE d’Orange ;
– Fabrice FLIPO, Professeur à l’Institut Mines-Télécom BS ;
– Chiara MAZZONE, Experte 5G et 6G, Programme Officer chez Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking ;
– Samuel RINCE, Lead Data Scientist and ML Engineer at Alygne, Inc. & Open-Source Contributor at Boavizta.

Déjeuner sur place de 12h30 à 14h00

L’après-midi sera consacré à l’éthique et la régulation de l’IA dans le numérique autour, notamment, des questions suivantes : quel état des lieux pour l’éthique et la régulation de l’IA dans le numérique (pratiques et régulations mises en place, versant technologique, point de vue des acteurs) ? Quelles sont les nouvelles frontières et les nouveaux secteurs à explorer dans ce domaine (la santé, le juridique, etc.). Quid de l’éthique et de la régulation de l’IA dans un monde d’IA ouvert ? Quid des nouvelles plateformes (Open.AI, API GPT, etc.) et de la disponibilité de modules d’IA préentrainés ainsi que des dispositifs d’apprentissage collectif, etc… ?


Table ronde 3 : l’éthique de l’IA à travers un état des lieux des pratiques (14h00 – 14h45).
– Pauline ELIE, conseillère éthique à l’AP-HP et doctorante en droit et philosophie à l’EHESS ;
– Jérôme GOULARD, Directeur Développement Durable d’Orange Business ;
– Hugo RUGGIERI, Directeur Juridique et Data Protection Officer à Doctrine.fr.

Table ronde 4 : enjeux et tentatives de conceptualisation de l’éthique de l’IA (14h45 – 15h45).
– Rémy DEMICHELIS, Journaliste et doctorant sur les enjeux éthiques de l’IA dans le big data ;
– Mélanie GORNET, Doctorante en Éthique et Régulation de l’IA à Télécom Paris – Institut Polytechnique de Paris ;
– Alexis LEAUTIER, Ingénieur expert à la CNIL ;
– Louis VUARIN, Post-doctorant à Télécom Paris.

Table ronde 5 : les nouvelles approches et solutions en IA et les perspectives qu’elles ouvrent en matière d’éthique de l’IA (15h45 – 16h45).
– Astrid BERTRAND, Doctorante en explicabilité de l’IA à Télécom Paris ;
– Laurence DEVILLERS, Professeure à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne ;
– Thierry RAYNA, Professeur à l’Ecole polytechnique ;
– Emilie SIRVENT-HIEN, Responsable programme IA Responsable Orange Innovation.

Café de clôture de 16h45 à 18h

Contacts :
Pr. Antoine SOUCHAUD (antoine.souchaud@polytechnique.edu) et Pr. Thierry RAYNA (thierry.rayna@polytechnique.edu).

14th Paris Conference on Digital Economics

Télécom Paris

From March 30, 2023 to March 31, 2023

The Innovation and Regulation Chair of Digital Services is organizing its 14th Conference on Digital Economics on March 30—31, 2023. The conference will take place at Telecom Paris’ new campus in Palaiseau.

The keynote speakers are Giacomo Calzolari (European University Institute) and Heski Bar-Isaac (University of Toronto).

More information on the program can be found here.


Digital Economics Summer School. 8th Edition

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)

From July 4, 2022 to July 5, 2022

The 8th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School of AFREN (the Francophone Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, took place in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), July 4-5, 2022.

13th Paris Conference on Digital Economics

Telecom Paris

From March 31, 2022 to April 1, 2022

The Innovation and Regulation Chair of Digital Services organized its 13th Conference on Digital Economics on March 31 & April 1, 2022. This conference took place on-site in Telecom Paris’s new campus in Palaiseau.

The keynote speaker was José Luis Moraga-González (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), the new holder of the Chair, who talked about firms’ innovation portfolios.

More information on the programme can be found on the Conference website.


The 9th AFREN Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics was held on October 18, 2021

Published on 7 novembre 2021

AFREN (the French Association of Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Chair in Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, organized the 9th edition of the Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics on October 18, 2021.

The workshop brought together thirty French-speaking researchers specializing in digital economics and offered the opportunity for young researchers from the Côte d’Azur University, the University of Rennes, the University of Paris Saclay, the University of Paris 13 and Telecom Paris to present their research.


Digital Economics Summer School. 7th Edition

Published on 11 mai 2021

The 7th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School of AFREN (the Francophone Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, took place in Palaiseau, on Telecom Paris’s new campus, June 28-29, 2021.


Digital Economics Summer School. 7th Edition

Published on 11 mai 2021

The 7th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School of AFREN (the Francophone Association for Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, took place in Palaiseau, on Telecom Paris’s new campus, June 28-29, 2021.

12th Paris Conference on Digital Economics

Published on 7 avril 2021

The Innovation and Regulation Chair of Digital Services organizes its 12th Conference on Digital Economics on April 7-9, 2021. This conference is taking place online.

The conference features in particular an invited session on Antitrust in the Digital Economy, coordinated by Yossi SPIEGEL (Tel Aviv University) and Joel WALDFOGEL (University of Minnesota).

More information on the programme and the registration procedure can be found on the Conference website.


Crossed views on the regulation of content on digital platforms

Published on 26 février 2021

The Innovation & Regulation Chair is organizing an online round table on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Paris time) on the regulation of content on digital platforms.

The event will be held on zoom, in French. Registration is mandatory via this online form.

The objective of this event is to allow a sharing of surprises, experiences and ideas between practitioners and researchers around the regulation of content on digital platforms.

This is an important topic with many initiatives and imminent projects in preparation among the different actors of the sector as well as by public authorities.

List of speakers:

– Prof. Pierre-Jean BENGHOZI (Ecole Polytechnique),

– Sarah JACQUIER (Ministry of Culture),

– Prof. Winston MAXWELL (Télécom Paris),

– Prof. Joëlle TOLEDANO (Paris Dauphine-PSL),

– Clément WOLF (Google and YouTube).

Prof. Antoine SOUCHAUD (antoine.souchaud@polytechnique.edu) and Prof. Thierry RAYNA (thierry.rayna@polytechnique.edu).

The 8th AFREN Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics was held on November 9, 2020

Published on 23 novembre 2020

AFREN (the French Association of Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Chair in Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, organized online the 8th edition of the Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics on November 9, 2020.

The workshop brought together forty French-speaking researchers specializing in digital economics and offered the opportunity for young researchers from the Côte d’Azur University, the University of Rennes, the Catholic University of Louvain and Telecom Paris to present their work.

Digital Platforms: Competition and Public Policy Challenges in Europe

Published on 28 septembre 2020

The Innovation & Regulation Chair organizes an online policy workshop on digital platforms and the competition and public policy challenges they raise on October 15, 2020, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm (Paris time). The event will be held online on Zoom.

The workshop consists of two sessions. The first session will be devoted to competition policy and platforms, the second one to the broad economic and public policy challenges for Europe raised by the development of powerful digital platforms. Each session is introduced by guest speakers and involves a discussion with the online participants.

Session 1: Competition Policy and Digital Platforms
Chairs: Marie-Laure Allain (École Polytechnique & CREST) and Marc Bourreau (Telecom Paris & i3).
Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London)
Christine Zulehner (University of Vienna)

Session 2: Economic and Public Policy Objectives in Europe Related to Platforms
Chair: François Lévêque (École des Mines de Paris, CERNA)
Maya Bacache (Arcep)
Fadhel Lakhoua (Orange)
Alexandre de Streel (University of Namur)

Registration is free, but mandatory. Please register on the event webpage.

7th Doctoral Workshop in Digital Economics

Published on 28 septembre 2020

The 7th doctoral workshop in Digital Economics of AFREN (the Francophone Association on Research in Digital Economics), supported by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, took place on October 21th, 2019, at Telecom Paris, with about 30 researchers from different universities. About ten doctoral students presented their research on various topics : economics of platforms, data brokers strategy, mergers impact on innovation, on line learning platforms, …

The 6th Digital Economics Summer School was held in La Rochelle

Published on 28 septembre 2020

AFREN (French Association of Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, has organized the 6th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School in La Rochelle, July 4-5, 2019.

The summer school brought together about forty researchers who presented their work on various topics such as the impact of mergers on investment, competition in digital markets, corporate social responsibility, how digital is changing the trade-off between private and professional life, digital payments, the impact of Airbnb on the hotel industry, etc.

Digital Economics Summer School. 6th Edition

Published on 9 mai 2019

AFREN (French Association of Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organize the 6th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School. This event will take place in La Rochelle, July 4-5, 2019.

Digital Economics Summer School. 6th Edition

Published on 9 mai 2019

AFREN (French Association of Research in Digital Economics), with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, organize the 6th edition of the Digital Economics Summer School. This event will take place in La Rochelle, July 4-5, 2019.

The programme is now available and registrations are open

The film industry faces the digital transition.

Economic issues and regulation

Published on 29 avril 2019

The challenges for the film industry facing the digital transition were addressed during the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation Chair of Digital Services on April 18, 2019. Academics and professionals joined forces to present the situation of this industry at national, European and international levels. These developments particularly affect France, which has built its « exception » and « cultural diversity » on an original and powerful model of cinema financing. This model is challenged since these changes have opened the door to new entrants, especially OTTs from GAFAN, first in distribution and now in production. It has accelerated globalization of supply.

A short report of the debates is available with access to the various presentations and references mentioned during this day.

In connection with this conference, the journal « Réseaux »  will publish an upcoming issue dedicated to cinema.

The film industry faces the digital transition.

Economic issues and regulation

Published on 12 avril 2019

The film industry has evolved considerably with the emergence of the digital technologies: digitization of theaters, new video-on-demand offers with new economic players. Changes have paved the way for new entrants, especially GAFAN OTTs, first in distribution and now in production. It has accelerated the forms of globalization of supply.

These are the challenges that the conference organized by the  Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair in Paris, April 18th, 2019, intends to explore through various academic approaches and exchanges with representatives of the film industry.

Antitrust in Digital Economy

Published on 12 avril 2019

The Information Economics and Policy Journal will publish a special issue on Antitrust in the Digital Economy. A Special Issue Workshop will be held at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, in the winter of 2019-2020. Authors of R&R manuscripts will be invited to present their papers and react to their colleagues’ papers during the workshop.

Yossi Spiegel, Tel Aviv University, and Joel Waldfogel, University of Minnesota invite submissions to this special issue

11th Conference on Digital Economics

Published on 17 mars 2019

The Innovation and Regulation Chair of Digital Services organized the 11th conference on Digital Economics. This conference took place on 5-6 April, 2019, in Paris, France.

This year, the two keynote speakers were:

  • Gregory Crawford (University of Zurich)
  • Patrick Rey (Toulouse School of Economics)


More than twenty researchers presented their theritical or empirical works on the Gig economy, Data and antitrust, Digital platforms, Media economics,…

See the programme


6th Doctoral workshop in Digital economics

Published on 15 novembre 2018

The 6th doctoral workshop in Digital Economics of AFREN (the French Association on Research in Digital Economics), supported by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services, took place October 15th in Telecom-ParisTech, with about 30 reserchers coming from different unversities. 15 of them presented their works on various themes : economics of platforms, data brokers strategy, mergers impact on innovation, on line learning platforms, …

New directions in spectrum assignment for 5G

Published on 9 octobre 2018

Telecom-ParisTech, with the support of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organized, October 5, a seminar on the “New directions in spectrum assignment for 5G”. Recent studies suggest that the conventional approach to licensing spectrum has not directly achieved connectivity policy objectives.

This interactive seminar, coordinated by Gérard Pogorel, (Telecom ParisTech, and CNRS Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute -CNRS I3-DSES) aimed at sharing experiences and points of view of European countries and Japan.

The seminar was introduced by François Rancy Directeur UIT-R.

During a first session, moderated by Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Ecole Polytechnique and ARCEP, the seminar proposed presentations from Eric Fournier, ANFr, Chairman CEPT-ECC, Erik Bohlin, Chalmers University, Gabriel Solomon, Ercsson France et Marc Bourreau, Telecom-ParisTech. These presentations were discussed by Martin Cave, LSE, Francesco Nonno, Open Fiber Italy, and Alberto Zilo, ATT Europe.

A second session, moderated by Teodosio PerezAmaral, Universidad Complutense Madrid, proposed presentations from Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Ecole Polytechnique and ARCEP, Kiyotaka Yuguchi, Sagami Women’s University, Tokyo, Martin Cave, LSE, Gérard Pogorel, Telecom-ParisTech and CNRS, and Marc Lebourges, Orange.

The presentations are now available.

5th Digital Economics Summer School

Published on 3 juillet 2018

The 5th edition of the AFREN Digital Summer School, supported by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, was held at the University of Montpellier on June 28 and 29, 2018.
More than 20 research papers were presented on a wide variety of topics: networks, platforms, cybersecurity, blockchain, sharing economy, algorithms bias, press digitization, smart cities, etc.

10th Conference on Digital Economics


Published on 1 mai 2018

The Innovation and Regulation Chair of Digital Services organized its 10th conference on Digital Economics (previously the Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies) last April 6 and 7, 2018. This conference brought together about fifty digital economy researchers from different countries. The quality of the work presented, both theoretical and empirical, has been remarkable. A wide variety of topics were discussed: platform economics, broadband economy, innovation, the economic impact of big data, privacy, social networks, etc.

The two keynote speakers this year were Neil Gandal from Tel Aviv University and Markus Reisinger from the University of Frankfurt. Neil Gandal presented empirical research that seeks to quantify the importance of networks among innovators in the diffusion of technological knowledge. Markus Reisinger presented theoretical research on the impact that price personalization (enabled by access to large amounts of data) can have on producers’ distribution choices (own distribution network vs downstream external distribution network).

Platform economics and e-commerce


Published on 1 mai 2018

On April 5, 2018, a workshop was organized as part of the work of the Innovation & Regulation Chair in Digital Services on « platform economics and e-commerce », with presentations by researchers from CREST and Telecom ParisTech as well as some visiting researchers, including Frank Verboven, former titular professor of the Chair. Thirty researchers, juniors or seniors, attended this workshop. The work presented focused on the impact of online travel agencies such as Booking or Expedia on the economy of the hotel industry, the impact of e-commerce on price convergence within the European Union and big data as a source of market power.

Artificial Intelligence : fiction or actions ?


On March 15, 2018

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair with ENSAE Alumni organized, Thursday, March 15, 2018, a conference on Artificial Intelligence and its applications in various fields.

This symposium was attended by renowned public and private sector stakeholders with leading responsibilities in various fields of application of Artificial Intelligence:

Marco CUTURI, Professor at ENSAE-CREST, Guillaume DEVAUCHELLE (Innovation Director, Valeo), Laurence DEVILLERS (Professor, Paris-Sorbonne and LIMSI / CNRS), Jérôme LEMAIRE (Chief Engineer, Chargé de mission « intégration numérique, intelligence artificielle », Direction Générale de l’Armement), Nicolas LE RU (France Strategy), Antoinette ROUVROY (FRS, Research Center in Information , Law and Society, Namur University (Belgium), Member of the CNIL Foresight Committee), Gilbert SAPORTA (Emeritus Professor, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métieurs)


Digital Economics Summer School

Published on 17 janvier 2018

At the origin of its first edition, the Innovation & Regulation of Digital Services Chair supports every year the Digital Economics Summer School. The 5th edition will be held on 28 and 29 June 2018 at the Faculty of Economics of Montpellier (University of Montpellier). As every year, researchers and doctoral students are invited to submit their proposals (eco-numerique@umontpellier.fr). The deadlines are as follows:
– February 28, 2018: titles and abstracts of proposed papers.
– May 18, 2018: complete papers for sending to the rapporteurs.

More detail in the call for papers.

10th Conference on Digital Economics

Published on 30 novembre 2017

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organize its 10th Conference on Digital Economics. This conference will take place on April 6-7, 2018, in Paris, France, at Telecom ParisTech.

Keynote Speakers: – Neil GANDAL (Tel Aviv University) & Markus REISINGER (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)

Topics of Interest

Telecommunications – Internet and Software Industries – Regulation and Competition Policy of Digital Markets – Intellectual Property Rights – ICT, Productivity and Growth – Innovation and Standards – Internet and Search – Net Neutrality – Two-Sided Markets – Digital and Media Markets – Advertising – Privacy – E-commerce – ICT and Marketing – Networks and Pricing.

Submission Details

The deadline for submission of full papers is January 15, 2018. Articles should be submitted in PDF format to econict@telecom-paristech.fr. Notifications for acceptance will be sent out by end January 2018.

Conference Details

No conference fee will be charged. The “Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services” Chair will cover accommodation expenses of conference participants who present or discuss an accepted article. Participants can also apply for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Conference venue: Telecom ParisTech, Paris.

Email: econict@telecom-paristech.fr

Organizing committee: Marc BOURREAU – Lukasz GRZYBOWSKI – Vicente LAGOS – Ulrich LAITENBERGER – Christine ZULEHNER

5G: network(s) of the future


On September 26, 2017

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, on 26 September 2017, in Paris, a Conference on 5G networks and services.

This conference welcomed Alain Sibille (Professor at Telecom ParisTech) and Marceau Coupechoux (Maître de Conférence at Telecom ParisTech), Jean-Louis Rougier and Philippe Martins (professors at Telecom ParisTech), Eric Hardouin (Orange) and Alain Servel (PSA). The afternoon presentations, starting at 2pm, will address public policy and regulatory issues with Gérard Pogorel (Professor Emeritus at Telecom ParisTech), Marc Bourreau (Professor of Economics at Telecom ParisTech) and Frédéric Pujol (Idate Digiworld )

The conference was concluded with a round table with Bernard Barani (European Commission), Jacques Stern (Member of the ARCEP College), Gilles Brégant (Director General of ANFR) and Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, Secretary General of the 5GPP.

Presentations are available here:

PhD workshop in Digital Economics

Published on 17 octobre 2017

L’AFREN (Association Française de Recherche en Économie Numérique) organized a PhD Worshop, last October 16th with the support of the Innovation & Regulation Chair.

More information

Digital Economics Summer Programme


From July 3, 2017 to July 4, 2017

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair supports, from its creation, the Digital Economics Summer Programme. About 50 researchers, coming from different universities and research centers in France, presented and discussed papers during this two days meeting.

This 4th edition was organized by Paris-Sud University and took place July 3rd and 4th 2017.

Organizing Committee: Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel, Matthieu Manant, Alain Rallet, Fabrice Rochelandet et Nicolas Soulié.

The previous editions were organized:

– in Nice, by CREDEG and Nice Sophia Antipolis University, May 30 and 31, 2016. Summer Programme 2016

– in Rennes, by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, together with Rennes 1 University, July 6th and 7th 2015, Summer Programme 2015

– in Paris, by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, July 7 and 8, 2014. Summer Programme – 2014

En 2018, la prochaine édition de l’école d’été se tiendra à Montpellier.

Musique: End of the digital revolution?


On September 28, 2016
The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organized, on September 28th, a conference on the digitization of the music industry.
The recorded music industry in the heart of the development of the economy of music, was one of the first and most affected by the digital revolution. What about this industry more than fifteen years after the first integrated offerings of digital music? Has it passed the peak of the value recomposition? How the new entrants on the distribution segment have managed to build sustainable business models – for themselves and for the industry? Are the value redistributions stabilized?
This conference was dedicated to these questions. Combining economists on cultural industries, digital and innovation on one side, and industry players on the other, it addressed this question of the “end of the digital revolution.”We welcome Hervé Glevarec, Research Director CNRS, Pr Dominique Sagot-Duvaroux, Angers University, Pr François Moreau, Paris 13 University, Dr Florian Drücke, Bundesverbandes Miskindustrie, Maurice Ronai, Research Director EHESS, CNIL Member, Anthony Belliot, Universal Music, Laurance Le Ny, Orange, Emily Gonneau, Nuägency, MyOpenTickets, Bruno Lion, Managing Director, Peermusic, David El Sayegh, General Secretary, Sacem, Marc Schwartz, Conseiller Maître, Cour des Comptes.
See the programme.

Digital platforms: ecosystems evolutions, strategies and management of firms


On June 1, 2016

Having already spent two conferences on digital platforms, the first of which focused on the economic principles that govern their development, the second on the issue of their regulation, the Innovation  & Regulation in Digital Services Chair is continuing its work on this topic. A third conferencewas organized last June 1st, 2016, focused on the economic activity of the platforms, the ecosystem transformations they generate, and the companies strategies and management to adapt to it.

These issues were discussed by Rémi Maniak, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Mounir Mahjoubi, founder of “La Ruche qui dit oui” and President of the Conseil National du Numérique, Yves Weisselberger, founder of Snapcar, Yves Tyrode, Digital Director and Communication at SNCF, and Vivek Badrinath, Deputy CEO, Accor Hotels.

A detailed report (in French) is now available.

The disruption dilemma

Published on 1 juillet 2016

28 of June 2016, Joshua Gans, Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto, has presented his new book “The Disruption Dilemma” during a conférence organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and in partnership with Hogan Lovells.

Professor Gans’ presentation has been followed by a roundtable discussion led by Nicolas Curien, Member of the CSA, Marc Bourreau, Professor of Economics at Télécom ParisTech, and Eric Paroche, partner at Hogan Lovells.

The seminar aimed at examining the notion of “disruption” through the lens of economics, regulation and competition law.

Economics of Network Industries

Published on 14 mai 2016

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, May 13th, 2016, a one day workshop  on the Economics of Network Industries.

See the Program

Prof. Dr. Christine Zulehner, Titular Professor of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair.

Published on 2 mai 2016

From May 1st, 2016, we are pleased to welcome Christine Zulehner as Professor Titular of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, succeeding Frank Verboven.

Christine Zulehner is Professor at University of Vienna, Department of Economics, since 09/2017, as well as research staff member at Austrian Institute of Economic Research.

In the context of the research program of the Chair, Christine plans to develop research on:

– estimating demand for mobile tariffs/handsets

– market definition in the telecommunications industry, with implications for competition policy

Digital Entreprise Forum

Published on 20 novembre 2015

Last November 18th, was held in Paris the Digital Enterprise Forum. The Chair Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services organized and moderated the “Research” session in which were proposed four presentations:

– Digitization at the heart of enterprises energetic and economic performances. Philippe Haik, Selin Nahle and François Saidi. ECE Paris

Perspectives on IT strategy of the organizations in the hour of Cloud Computing. Sébastien Tran, ISC PAris, Paris Dauphine University, and Emmanuel Bertin, Orange Labs.

Connected electric vehicles: Opportunities and Constraints. Yannick Perez, ParisSud University and Armand Peugeot Chair.

The invisible work of the datas. Jérôme Denis. Télécom ParisTech.

Attention economics challenging cultural and media services

Published on 7 octobre 2015

The Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, with the Pôle Medias – HEC Montreal, last September 21th, 2015, a conference on “attention economics“.

Abundance of digital services and globalization of competition, especially in cultural matters, renews the question of attention and its “capture”. In the digital environment the issue of attention has taken in recent years an increasing role in understanding the changes in media and culture economics.

“Technologies of attention” will have deployed, ranging from neuroscience to attentional psychology, neuromarketing to algorithms, along with the renewal of methodologies measuring audience, usage, memories, etc. As attention appears the foremost value of a primarily advertising supported economy to which, of course, the media, but also cultural sector are no exception, the economic and marketing dimensions are prevalent


Find here the presentation from:

Thierry Baccino, Directeur scientifique du Laboratoire des usages en technologies de l’information Numériques (LUTIN),

Sylvain Sénécal, Co-directeur, Professeur, Département du marketing, Tech3Lab,

Kevin Mellet, Economiste, Orange Labs,

Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs,

Philippe Tassi, Directeur général adjoint chez Mediametrie-eStat,

Dominique Boullier, Professeur, Directeur du MediaLab, Sciences Po,

Eric Scherer, France Télévions,

Alain Le Diberder, Directeur des programmes, ARTE.

8th ICT Paris Conference

Published on 5 octobre 2015

The 8th conference on Economics of Information and Communications Technologies, organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair took place in Paris, October 2 and 3, 2015. Academic researchers did present theoritical, empirical as well as policy-oriented articles.

Tommaso Valetti (Imperial College London) and Matthijs Wildenbeest (Kelley School of Business) were invited as keynote speakers.

See the Program

The Digital services platforms regulation


On April 7, 2015

After a first conference proposed in October 2014, on the economics of digital platforms, the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organized a second conference dedicated to regulation issues. Two real examples of digital platforms in the market for video games on one hand and on the distribution of pharmaceuticals, illustrated the debate that followed between the most relevant regulators: Competition Authority, ARCEP, CSA and the CNIL.

Thus, we could listen Cédric O’Neill, founder of ‘1001 pharmacies.com « andPierre Forest, founder of Metaboli, Marc Lebourges, Orange, Chairman of the ETNO Working Group « Competition Policy »before benefiting from presentations and discussion among regulatory authorities, represented at the highest level: Bruno Lasserre, Competition Authority Chairman, Sébastien Soriano, ARCEP Chairman, Nicolas Curien, CSA Member and Edouard Geffray, Secretary General of the CNIL.

We propose to find here a detailed report of all the presentations and debates held at the conference.

Economics of digital platforms


On October 23, 2014

The Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organized, October 23rd, 2014 in Paris, a conference on:

“Economics of platforms: Regulating a dominant model?”

The economics of platforms and their regulation are today at the front of the stage: market expansion, domination of markets, innovation deployment, taxation, acquisitions, protection of personal data, diffusion of this model in industrial processes, etc. It is symptomatic that the concept is mobilized in different meanings in industrial economics, strategy and innovation management but also for new opportunities for regulation.

The digitization of the economy, having expanded from services to industrial processes, takes place through an economic and technical model which became dominant: the platform’s economy. It first appeared in economics of content and to address “economics of attention” and the issue of free services; but it is also used in the area of distribution, payment services, marketplaces, etc. Economics of platforms also spreads in several other service sectors and now the industry, particularly through logic modular aggregative and industrial production.

We had presentations from: Marc Bourreau, Telecom-ParisTech, Thierry Pénard, Rennes 1 University, Fabrice Rochelandet, Paris-Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professeure des Universités, ScincesPo Paris, Nathalie Sonnac, Paris Panthéon-Assas University,  Thierry Rayna, Novancia Business School Paris, Alain Strowell, Saint-Louis University, Brussels, Benoît Thieulin, Conseil National du Numérique, Laurent Cytermann, Conseil d’Etat.

See the program.

The Chair proposed that first one-day conference to understand the evolution of this economy and be prepared to understand the basis of possible new forms of regulation. A second conference on these issues followed in 2015.

Economics of personal data


On June 16, 2014

The “Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services” Chair, organized, last June 16th, in Paris, a conference on “Economics of personal data”.

Detailed program

This conference welcomed: Alessandro Acquisti , Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Frederico Etro, University of Venice, Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics, Claire Levallois, Telecom ParisTech, “Values ​​and Policies of personal informations” Chair, Nicolas Dubois, European Commission, Justice, Giacomo Luchetta, Centre for European Policy Studies, Patrick Waelbroeck, Télécom ParisTech, “Values ​​and Policies of personal informations” Chair, Alain Rallet, Professor Emeritus, Université Paris-Sud, Winston Maxwell, Hogan Lovells LLP Paris, François Carlier, CLCV, Nicolas de Cordes, Orange, Celia Zolynski, Versailles Saint-Quentin University.

Innovation & Regulation 2.0

Published on 2 juin 2014

Nicolas Curien, associate researcher at the “Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services” Chair, is proposing to think about “Innovation & Regulation 2.0″ in an article to be published soon in the Cahiers de l’ARCEP. He explains his vision of an “open regulation” which, like “open innovation”, spreads beyond the regulator office, and secretes  a “meta-regulation” whose purpose is to stimulate the market rather than only laying down the law.

Nicolas Curien, Innovation & Regulation 2.0. Cahiers de l’ARCEP, June 2014

Media and “Francophonie”: business models and new audience

Published on 7 mai 2014

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair joined HEC Montreal for the organization of a conference on ‘Media et “Francophonie” Business models and new audience’, October 8, 2014. This conference intended to gather all players in the media industry directly affected by the issues and challenges they face, experts and academic researchers interested in the issues of convergence, organizational transformation, and emerging business models in the media sector. Thus, international experts, researchers and scholars, leaders and professionals in the media industry had a unique opportunity to exchange views, share their experiences and present their research on common issues.

Leveraging technological change: the role of business models and ecosystems

Published on 25 mars 2014

Jointly with University College London and the Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CRG) de l’Ecole Polytechnique, the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized a research workshop in London, last March 19th, on the role of business models and ecosystems in leveraging technological changes.The aim of this workshop was to identify and foster new approaches to the traditional question of relationships among stakeholders in a given industrial sector : which role of new modes of governance, new ways of thinking cooperation and sharing of competences, and the role of innovation in fueling and transforming traditional partnership and creative processes.

Academics from the UK and France debated on this issues.

See the programme of this workshop and abstract of the presentations.

Governance of robots

Published on 26 février 2014

Research and innovation on robotics and autonomous systems open debates in various sectors as transportation, health, defense and security, personal assistance, information etc… Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, law … these are disciplines naturally invited to a shared reflection on regulatory issues raised by robotics and digital networks.

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, February 25th, 2014, in Paris, a research seminar to constitute a work and research program: the objective was to join together researchers and professionals on innovation and regulation on these domains.

Jean-Michel BESNIER, professor of philosophy, Paris IV – Sorbonne University, David FILLIAT, professor, ENSTA Paris Tech, Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, professor of economic law, Institute of Political Sciences in Paris, Alexei GRINBAUM, researcher at LARSIM laboratory, CEA-Saclay, Stéphanie LACOUR, researcher at CNRS, Centre for Studies on International Legal Cooperation (CECOJI) (CNRS / Université de Poitiers), Marina MAESTRUTTI, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, presented their views and animate a pluridiciplinary work.

Digital Entreprise Design & Management

From February 4, 2014 to February 5, 2014

The Innovation and Regulation Chair with the “Engineering of Complex Systems” Chair from Ecole Polytechnique, organized, February 4th and 5th, 2014 a conference and tutorials on Digital Enterprise Design & Management.

The Innovation & Regulation Chair took part in the organization of the conference held last February 12 and 13, 2013 on Digital Entreprise Design & Management.

Some of the presentations :

Aligning Alignment with Strategic Context: A Literature review.
Kari Hiekkanen, Mika Helenius, Janne J. Korhonen, and Elisabete Patricio, Aalto University, Finland

An Enterprise Architecture and Data Quality Framework.
Jerome Capirossi, Pascal Rabier

Business Models, Symbionts and Business Ecosystem: A Case Study from E-commerce Industry in China
Wei Wei, Wuxiang Zhu and Guiping Lin

Can Agile Collaboration Practices Enhance Knowledge Creation Between Cross-Functional Teams?
Carine Khalil, Ecole Centrale, France, Valérie Fernandez and Thomas Houy, Télécom ParisTech, France

Jean-Eric Pelet, IDRAC International School of Management, University of Nantes, France
Ichiro Satoh
Marcel Lee, Pramana, Paris, France
Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Fondation Télécom- Institut Mines Télécom
Stamatina Thomaidou, Athens University of Economics and Business Konstantinos Leymonis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Michalis Vazirgiannis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique & Athens University of Economics and Business
Norman Wilde, Sikha Bagui, John Coffey, Eman El-Sheikh, Thomas, Reichherzer, Laura White, George Goehring, Chris Terry, University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, U. S. A.
Eric Buffenoir, UMR 5221 CNRS, Montpellier, France, Isabelle Bourdon, Montpellier Research Management, Montpellier University 2
Fernando Iafrate, Disneyland Paris
Hervé Panetto, University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, Research Centre for Automatic Control
Jean-René Lyon, Wyde
Jerry Luftman, Global Institute for IT Management
Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University,US
Sylvain Lafrance, Pôle Médias, HEC Montreal, Canada

7th conference on Economics of Information and Communication Technologies

From January 24, 2014 to January 25, 2014

Hosted by the Innovation & Regulation Chair at Telecom ParisTech, this 2-day international conference gathered in Paris academic researchers involved in the field of the economics of Information & Communication Technologies. Theoretical, empirical as well as policy-oriented articles were presented on : Search Engine and Internet, Two-sided markets, Media, Net Neutrality, Broadband, Telecoms and Internet.

Organizing committee: Marc BOURREAU – Lukasz GRZYBOWSKI – Frank VERBOVEN

Keynote speakers:

Avi GOLDFARB (University of Toronto): “Crowdfunding and the Geography of Innovation”

Yossi SPIEGEL (Tel Aviv University): “Social Media and Buyers’Power: The Cottage Cheese Boycott”

See the detailed programme and papers of the conference

Evolutions of video games ecosystems

On December 4, 2013

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, décember 4th, 2013, with Mosaic-Pôle Innovation et créativité – HEC Montréal, a one day conference on “the evolutions of video games ecosystems”.

Philippe Chantepie, Associate Researcher to the Chair, welcomed academics, professionals and institutionnals, to analyze and discuss the evolutions of the business models in the video games industry, and players’ value creation: clusters and associations. See the programme, and report of the debates.

Some presentations are available:

Laurent Michaud : Business models and  trends in the evolving market for video games.

Jean-Paul Simon : Business models in (re)construction

Peter Zackariasonn : On Creativity and Business models in the Video Game Industry

Joe Cox : An empircal analysis of blockbuster video games

Giudetta de Prato : The European ICT poles of excellence

Pr Ph. Baumard, National award from OSEO 2013

Published on 11 août 2013

We are pleased to announce that Professor Philippe Baumard, part of our team at the Chair Innovation & Regulation of Digital Services, expert in cybersecurity, is Laureate of the 2013 National innovation awards from OSEO in the “Creation – Development” category for his Akheros software development.

Akheros aims at the creation of a resident cybersecurity learning Bayesian network, which learns machines’ informational behavior and construct a central Bayesian network for each machine that anticipates, detects and prevent offensive incongruous behaviors of other machines. Based on Professor Baumard’s patents, Akheros creates resident cybersecurity learning Bayesian components, which learn machines’ informational behavior and construct a dedicated Bayesian networks for each machine that anticipates, detects and prevent offensive incongruous behaviors of other machines, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), intrusions, system and network compromising and destructive attacks. The French public incubator Agoranov, in Paris, currently hosts Akheros.

Cyber-security, cyber-defense an peacekeeping

On June 14, 2013

Philippe Baumard (Professor, Aix-Marseille University and  Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair) organised with Lomonosov Moscow State University a conference on “Cyber-security and cyber-peacekeeping – French and Russian perspectives

A.A.Streltsov, deputy director, Institute of Information Security Issues, Lomonosov Moscow State University, P.L.Pilugin, Director, Russian Institute Center of Internet monitoring, Frédérick Douzet, Chaire Castex IHEDN, Andrey Kulpin, IISI, LMSU, Eric Freyssinet, Head of the judiciary pole of Gendarmerie Nationale, et F.B Huygue, IRIS, will present views on cyber-security and cuber-defense.

See the programme.

Radio stations at the digital age: stability, evolution or new age?

On June 6, 2013

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, organized, June 6th, 2013, a full day conference on “Radio stations at the digital age: stability, evolution or new age ?“. Academics and professionals, welcomed by Philippe Chantepie and Sylvain Lafrance, debated on all the impacts of digitization on the ecosystem of the radio stations. Programme of the conference.

Presentations available and a complete summary

Le numérique et l’écosystème de la radio, Frédéric Antoine, Professeur, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, UCL, Louvain

Development of digital radio broadcasting in Europe, Ala-FossiMarko,Professor, University of Tampere, Finland. School of Communication, Media and Theatre.

Nouveaux modèles économiques et innovation radiophonique, • AlbinoPedroia, consultant, fondateur de LabRadio et Ondes numériques

Frank Verboven, Titular Professor of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair

Published on 11 janvier 2013

Since October 1 st, 2012, Frank Verboven succeeded to Tommaso Valletti as Titular Professor of Innovation & Régulation in Digital Services Chair. To mark this transition, Frank and Tommaso presented their work at a conference organised January 10th, 2013.

Tommaso made an assessment of its research projects conducted in the framework of the Chair: net neutrality and broadband access. On his side, Frank discussed market definitions and drew some research perspectives.

Cybersecurity: Innovation, Regulation and Strategic Shifts

On November 21, 2012

The Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, last November 21, 2012, a Research workshop on Cyber-security: Innovation, Regulation and Strategic Shifts.

Philippe Baumard (Ecole Polytechnique, Innovation & Regulation Chair) introduced this workshop and welcomed:

Dr. JP Macintosh, Director of Programs, UCL Institute for Security and Resilience Studies

Dr. Chris C. Demchak, Professor, Strategic Research, NWC Center for Cyber conflict studies

Admiral Arnaud Coustillère, Cyber-Defense General Officer, Etat-Major des Armées

Jean-Luc Moliner, Senior Vice President, Security, France Telecom-Orange

Cédric Blancher, Senior Cyber-Security Expert, EADS Group

John Mallery, Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Detailed programme.

Report on the conférence

Conference on Economics of Information and Communication Technologies

From October 5, 2012 to October 6, 2012

The 2012 ICT conference took place in Paris, October 5-6 2012.

This 2-day international conference, organized by the Innovation & regulation Chair, gathered academic researchers involved in the field of the Economics of Information & Communication Technologies.

See the final programme of this conference and available presentations

Internet of Things

On September 26, 2012

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, September 26, 2012, a conference on « Internet of Things ». It gathered together academics and professionals and addressed both on going developments and legal and standardization issues.

Programme of the conference and presentations

This conference was also associated with an edition of Communication & Strategies journal, dedicated to Internet of Things where some of the presentations are published :

Eric Barbry, The Internet of Things, Legal aspects.

Jérôme Couturier, Davide Sola, Giovanni Scarso Borioli, Cristina Raiciu, How can the Internet of Things help to overcome current healthcare Challenges.

Antonio Manzalini, Roberto Minerva, Vânia Gonçalves, Halos Networks : A competitive way to Internet of-with things.

Gilles Privat, Extending the Internet of Things

Behavioral Economics and Regulation Policy

On June 13, 2012

The last event proposed by the Chair, June 13th, 2012, addressed recent developments on behavioral economics: how this research could efficiently be applied to determine regulation policy. Paul Heidhues, Professor, Lufthansa Chair in Competition and Regulation, EMST (European School of Management and Technology) from September 2012, has presented his research. The presentation of Paul Heidhues was structured in two parts: the first one presenting the works he did for regulators or competition authorities in Europe, showing how the inclusion of behavioral biases of individuals can help to implement more effective regulations; the second part, presenting his most recent research

Digital distribution: multi-channel retail.

Published on 27 avril 2012

After the conference he organized last November 2011 in the framework of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair events, Gerald Lang propose today a position paper on Multi-Channel Retail.

How do retailers adopt the recent technology developments linked to the internet and the e-commerce and the changing expectations of their customers towards multi-channel retailing? The technological developments oblige retailers to adapt their operational structures, resources and know-how in terms of customer relationship management, logistics, supply chain management etc. Furthermore, the diverging economic models on the different channels have to be aligned, and specific regulatory issues on the different channels have to be integrated. The chair asked G. Lang to write a position paper on these issues to provide an overlook of the literature and a broad overview of the different aspects and their interaction shaping the actual situation and ongoing trends in the sector.

The position paper.

Prospects for the digital press

On December 13, 2011

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, with Labex ICCA and the GIS Culture-Média & Numérique, a one day conference, December 13th, 2011, on: “Prospects for the Digital Press“.

This conference was an opportunity for dialogue between professionals and researchers on developments, emerging economic models which entil a revision of skills, contents, and reader’s expectations.

Find here the presentations of Andra Leurdijk and Jean-Marie-Charon

Distribution in the digital age

On November 3, 2011

Find here the presentations proposed at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris,November 3rd 2011, on  “Multi-channel retailing : Managing store and online sales channels and their distinctive business models“.

Presentations were given, inter alia, by :

– Gerrit Heinemann (Professor, Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany, Director of the eWeb Research Center)
– François Momboisse (FNAC, président de la FEVAD)
– Guy Gras (Yves Rocher, président de la Fédération Française de la Franchise)
– Gérard Cliquet  (Professeur, Université de Rennes)
– Julien Morel (Nespresso France, Directeur des Opérations)
– Pierre-Jean Benghozi (Directeur du pôle de recherche en économie et gestion de l’Ecole polytechnique, Responsable de la Chaire Innovation & Régulation à l’École Polytechnique)
– Gerald Lang (Professeur, BEM Bordeaux Management School, Chercheur Associé à l’École polytechnique)

Conference on Economics of Information and Communication Technologies

From September 30, 2011 to October 1, 2011

Find here the presentations proposed at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, Sept 30th and Oct 1st, 2011, on the Economics of Information & Communication Technologies.

This 2-day international conference where theoretical, empirical as well as policy-oriented articles were presented, gathered academic researchers involved in the field of the economics of Information & Communication Technologies.

Keynote speakers were Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon) and Luis Cabral (New York University and IESE)

The evolving video games software ecosystem

On September 13, 2011

The “Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services” Chair, welcomed, September 13th, 2011, in Paris, experts from the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) for a conference on videogame industry. Jean-Paul Simon, Giuditta de Prato et Claudio Feijoo presented their works on the Evolving Video Games Software Ecosystem.

Download the presentations :

– Jean-Paul Simon : “The economics of the video games industry

– Giuditta de Prato : “Updating Business Models: Innovation through Online Games

– Claudio Feijo : “GamingMobile Gaming : An overview of the ecosystem

The seminar was followed by an academic expert workshop devoted to the analysis of the various aspects of the videogame industry.

Download the presentations :

Processus d’innovation Business Model dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo. Chahira MEHOUACHI, DRM, Université Paris-Dauphine ; Patrick COHENDET, Mosaic, HEC Montréal ; BETA, Université de Strasbourg, Pierre-Jean BENGHOZI, CRG, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS

Effets de la convergence d’industries sur le choix stratégique associé à l’organisation du processus d’innovation : Le cas du jeu vidéo et du cinéma d’animation. Romain GANDIA, Enseignant Chercheur, Groupe ESC Chambéry.

Introduction au phénomène du Machinima du point de vues des économistes. Massimiliano GAMBARDELLA, EconomiX, Université de Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense.

Les jeux vidéo : une filière des industries culturelles ? Eléments de cadrage, hypothèses et perspectives de recherches. Lucien PERTICOZ , GRESEC – Université Stendhal Grenoble 3.

La technologie comme outil créatif : les enseignements du processus de création dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo. Patrick Lê-HEC Schoolof management,  David Massé-PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique, Simon Berthet-Bondet -PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique, Thomas Paris -HEC School of management/PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique Innovation.

Techniques d’arnaques et régulations techniques dans un MMORPG aux enjeux de réputation limités.  Bruno VETEL, Telecom-ParisTech

Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications

On March 16, 2011

Workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011

The workshop was devoted to integrate the economic analysis of network industries with accounting, law and economics.

The first panel explored the role of accounting structures in innovation corporate processes. Y. Biondi and P. Giannoccolo presented a heuristic model based upon complementarities, coopetition and intangibles to analyze these processes, with implications for antitrust regulation, costing and pricing.  G. Marzo further clarified this role by exploring accounting notions and methods concerned with intangible resources related to knowledge and innovation from the perspective of several theories of the firm, including the firm as an entity. In this context, A. Arlandis and S. Ciriani analyzed the telecommunications industry by functional layers, with specific attention to operating margins, and investments in R&D and innovation, by geographical location and allocation between Europe, Asia, and USA.

The second panel approached industrial dynamics of coordination and innovation from the viewpoints of the regulator and the judge, through an institutional comparative analysis between France and USA. F. Marty compared antitrust decisions in these countries by analyzing cases of dominant position abuse and margin squeeze. Th. Kirat compared judicial decisions concerned with litigations on costing and pricing in public procurement cases.

The third panel discussed recent trends in telecommunications industry. F. Lirzin and S. Reiche elaborated three scenarios for internet (integration and segregation of corporate networks; market organization of them; free and open access), and their implications for social and economic regulations. R. Lilia and D. Flacher analyzed tariff complexity in telecommunications offers and its implications for consumer welfare and competitive analysis, through an empirical application to Tunisian case.

The fourth and last panel approached innovative investment processes in network industries. Ch. Müller developed a comparative international analysis of notions, methods and practices of incentive tariff-making of these processes in energy sector, with specific attention to the German case. M. Feizi presented a simultaneous (à la Nash) and sequential (à la Stackelberg) game-theoretical model of the game between regulating Authority and regulated firm on tariff-making and updating over time.


Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)

On February 8, 2011

The “Groupe d’Intérêt Scientifique: Culture-Media & Numerique”, the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (ministry of Culture and Communication) and the “Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services” Chair (Ecole Polytechnique, Telecom ParisTech and Orange) organised the 5th Day on Economics of culture. It took place in Paris, at the Centre Pompidou, on Tuesday February 8th, 2011.

This new edition of the Days on Economics of culture, introduced by F. Mitterand, the French Minister of Culture and Communication, addressed the way in which the digital revolution restructures regulations – in particular with regard competition policies -, sectors, business models and markets in the culture and media field.



Presentations proposed at the Conférence are now available (in French) :

Le numérique : enjeux des questions de concurrence.
Anne Perrot, Vice-Présidente de l’Autorité de la Concurrence

Quelles formes d’exclusivités pour les contenus audiovisuels ?
Pascal Wilhelm, avocat, cabinet Wilhelm & Associés

Marchés de plates-formes et intégration verticale
Xavier Wauthy, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain

Infomédiaires et éditeurs de contenu : entre coopération et concurrence
Franck Rebillard, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3

Les nouvelles intermédiations techniques: l’exemple des jeux vidéo
Jean Paul Simon, European Commission – Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies – IPTS

Agrégation, référencement et infomédiation. La place des agrégateurs dans les nouveaux marchés : le cas de la vidéo
Laurent Sorbier, Directeur général de MySkreen

Convergence numérique et redéfinition des marchés pertinents : quel partage des rôles entre politiques de concurrence et régulation sectorielle ?
Frédéric MARTY CNRS –GREDEG (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)

La pratique des autorités de concurrence face à la révolution numérique
Olivier SAUTEL (Microeconomix), Chercheur associé à l’OFCE

Mutations des réseaux et effets sur le marché des contenus.
Thierry Pénard, Université de Rennes 1, CREM, Marsouin

See the conference proceedings publisied in Concurrences, n°3-20

Duty of Care for Internet service providers

On November 30, 2010

In the framework of its seminars cycle, the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, welcomed, november 30th, 2010 Nico van Eijk, Professor, Institute for Information Law (IvIR), University of Amsterdam. Nico’s presentation addressed the issue of Duty of Care for Internet service providers.

The research, lead by Nico van Eijk, provides an outlook on the possible options for the future commitments of ISP and hosts and support the discussions with the various industrial players involved in the security of the internet.

Comparative analysis between the Nederland, France, the UK, and Germany has been structured following five tracks (network security and integrity of systems , the role of ISPs in the protection of copyright, pedo-pornography, identity fraud and sale of stolen goods on auction sites) in order to understand the role of governments and the grounds of the approaches they selected (regulation , self -regulation , co -regulation and the role of technology).

Nico’s presentation

Research summary

Search engine & web advertizing : strategies and their effects on consumers

On September 15, 2010

On September 15, 2010, the Innovation & Regulation Chair held a conference on “Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effect on Consumers”. The event took place on the campus of Télécom ParisTech, and featured seven presentations, given by a group of researchers from some of the world’s foremost centers of expertise in this fascinating area of research, spanning the fields of economics, marketing and computer science.

See conference summary and presentations

Security, Internet, and the prevention of spam: The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation

On June 23, 2010

On June 23rd, 2010, the Chair welcomed Pr Michel J.G. van Eeten, Professor of Public Administration in the School of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology. He gave a presentation on the role of the Internet Services Providers in Internet Security.  He proposed a presentation on the role of the Internet Service Providers on Internet security.


The role of Internet Service Providers in botnet mitigation: an empirical analysis based on spam data
Paper presented by at seminar of the Chair Innovation and Regulation of Digital Services 23 June 2010


OECD Working paper : Economics of malware: security decisions, incentives and externalities. STI Working paper – 2008
Information and Communication Technologies Michel J.G. van Eeten and Johannes M. Bauer

The Economic models of the book industry and the digital economy

On June 15, 2010

The Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, last June 15th, within the framework of the GIS ?Culture-Media & Numérique? and in partnership with the CEPN-University Paris 13, a seminar on “the economic models of the book and the digital economy”. It joined together more than one hundred  people. The presentations aimed at exploring the economic models before wondering about the right regulation able to accompany the digital evolution.

If it is possible to draw the first conclusions from the impacts of the digital evolution on the music industry  (collapse of the sales of CDs, revival in the concerts, reorganization of the Majors, but also multiplication of the offerings, domination of the aggregation and regulation platforms, competition between business models), what about the Book industry ? The case of the book and the text could be more symbolic than the music and the video case because the digital evolution makes it possible to enrich the text and to deeply transform the usual formats, the platforms becoming as much platforms of production that of diffusion.

Report on the conference and presentations (documents in French)

Management and governance of social networks and digital communities.

From May 26, 2010 to May 27, 2010

In recent years, social media has become ubiquitous and important for social networking and content sharing. In particular they exemplify new means for cooperation and production of content, calling for specific gouvernance. Moreover, social media content can be used to predict real-world outcomes.

The session was dedicated to the Management and gouvernance of social networks and digital communities.

We had the pleasure to welcome

Bernardo HUBERMAN – Director of the Social Computing Lab at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories and a Consulting Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University


Paul DAVID – Titular Professor of the chair. Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Stanford University  & Senior Fellow , Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

The seminar was introduced by Pierre-Jean BENGHOZI and discussed by Jean-Michel DALLE.

Summary of the conference and the following workshop

Pr Huberman presentation

Innovative business models in the digital economy. European and Chinese approaches

On December 18, 2009

Programme and presentations

The digital economy is in search of new business models. More and more often, the new services are offered while at the same time, the sustainability of their operation is not guaranteed: the innovators are in search of the formulae which will allow to put in front of the production cost of these services, the incomes which the market will be able of generate.

Furthermore, on more and more activities, various business models are tested. Competition between business models is emerging: the competition is slipping from the services themselves to the business models which can reveal a solvency of the consumers and extract revenues. Innovations relate to the business models as much as the products and the services themselves. The innovation in products and services, organization processes, and markets structure now have to be combined with the innovation in the business models.

On December 18th, 2009, the Chair organsed a seminar with two objectives:

– First to address innovation in terms of business models, to analyze this emerging market of business models, to address incidentally the question of their protection and to attempt to characterize the business models involved the digital economy;

– Secondly, to produce an analysis from two types of markets responding to different logics, the European and Chinese markets.

The comparison of the cultural environments of the business models should constitute an interesting field of study, not only for the analysis of innovation processes in the business models, but also for the identification of the structures which can allow their classification.

This seminar is organized by the I & R Chair with participation of Beijing university.


Workshop on interoperability

From June 23, 2009 to June 24, 2009

The Innovation & Regulation Chair of digital services (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris & Telecom ParisTech) and the International Journal of Communications Law and Policy (IJCLP) organised a first joint Workshop on Interoperability which took place on June 23-24, 2009 in Paris, France. Students, scholars, policy-makers, technologists, practitioners and industry representatives were invited to participate on interoperability related issues, analyzed from a legal, economic and/or technological perspective.


Urs Gasser, Law Ewecutive Director, Berkman Center and St Gallen
ICT Interoperability and e-Innovation

Mario Carugi,  Vice President ITU, Senior Advisor Nortel
Some ITU-T standardization topics and related interoperability aspects

Nicolo Zingales, Berkeley University, Bocconi University
DRM Misuse

Jean-Pierre Témime, Deputy CTO, Orange Group
Fragmentation vs Interoperability

Mikko Valimaki, Professor, Helsinki University of Technology
How to license interoperability? A start-up perspective

Bruno Jullien, IDEI, Toulouse School of Economics
Monetizing Business Assets in Multisided Markets: An Economic Perspective

Philippe Baumard, PREG-CRG, Chaire Innovation & Regulation des Services Numériques
Service making vs Interoperability

Cecilio Madero-Villarejo, Director-DG Competition-European Commission
The Microsoft case

Carlo Piana, Lawyer
Interoperability, Open standards, free software after Microsoft

Mark Lange, Senior Officer Microsoft

Ashwin Vanrooijen, Clifford Chance
The So’ware Interface between Copyright and Competition Law. A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer Programs

Laura DeNandis, Yale Information Society Project

Open and distributed innovation

On June 11, 2009

PREG-CRG organized with the Innovation and Regulation Chair its 20th seminar on innovation.

Paul David, Titular Professor, Innovation & Regulaton in Digital Services Chair-Ecole Polytechnique et Telecom ParisTech and Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Stanford University & Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research gave a presentation on :

Open and distributed innovation: Developers’ motivations and stygmergic coordination in large Libre software projects.

B. Coriat was discussant

Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms

On March 31, 2009

Programme and presentations

The relationship between technical standards and behavioral and societal norms governing usage of the Internet, and other networked telecommunications facilities, is extremely complex. These two modes of “regulation” can be viewed both as substitutes and as complements in a static sense. That is true also in the dynamic sense, but technical standards that may substitute for behavioral norms in the short-run can induce new (or transform pre-existing) institutionalized social norms ? and in that respect are dynamic complements.  This is only the beginning of the complexities.

“Standards” of all kinds possess some of the properties that economists associate with “pure public goods”, but one should distinguish conceptually among technical reference standards, technical safety standards, and technical inter-operability or so-called  “interface” standards. In practice, most formal standards (whether of the de jure regulatory form or specifications accepted de facto by industry) possess elements of more than one of these three idealized types.  Although in each case their public goods properties carries the implication that competitive markets cannot be relied upon to provide standards efficiently, the form of the “market failure” and resulting inefficiency is likely to be quite different — depending upon whether or not the standard in question governs a system (or sub-system) characterized by the presence of significant network externality effects.

In the latter case, which applies particularly to “interoperability” standards (whether technical or behavioral), the problem is that market processes give rise to  positive dynamic feedbacks leading to de facto “regulations” that may be socially suboptimal, both from an engineering efficiency viewpoint and because they may inhibit the future competitive entry of technological and organizational innovations. Granting intellectual property rights protections to inventions that become embedded in “standards” further exacerbates this problem. By contrast, in the case of case of safety and security standards, and reference standards, the more likely form of market failure is a chronic under-provision of socially desirable standards.

Careful attention to the specifics of the technical and social context of standardization initiatives, consequently, must be seen to be essential for appropriate public policy analysis and standard-setting action. In this regard, it is fortunate that the development of the economics of standards and standardization during the past 15 years has been marked by an increasing focus upon empirical research. The results appearing in the research literature have made evident the general relevance of positive network externality effects of the kind that during the late 1980′s and early 1990′s became the focus of theoretical explorations in this emerging field. But, in doing so, these research advances also have revealed the multiplicity of different structural conditions and the corresponding variations in the strength of positive feedback externalities among the many specific sub-markets that constitute the digital economy.

The Chair organised, jointly with VoxInternet, on March 31th, 2009, a seminar on the Technical regulation of the Internet. This seminar was introduced by Paul A. David, Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Stanford University & Professeur Titulaire, Chaire Innovation et Regulation.

Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet

On February 2, 2009

programme and presentation

The digital development has fundamentally changed the relationship between the producer and the consumer. Moreover, the economic and managerial literature analyse this evolution in distribution (platform, multisided…) and in its regulation.

The issues of the vertical integration and its effects on competition are not only to be found in the Internet but also in business, transportations and telecommunications. The problem comes from companies that have a great part of the market share as Internet Service Provider and as content provider. As Internet Service Provider the company can abuse its dominant market position to restrict the competition between content providers. A simple solution to prevent this kind of abuse is not to allow the Internet Service Provider price and quality discrimination. Most of the Internet Service Providers offer a non discriminatory monthly rate but this tariff can be changed. Thereby, the net neutrality designs the fact that the Internet must be available to everyone and everything except discrimination of price and quality. On the contrary, the opponents of the net neutrality defend the idea that there is no need to redouble the control of ex post anti-competitive behaviour by ex ante rules. In addition one must not forget that the costumer knows how to respond to discrimination (price and quality) of the network operators: He can avoid it (by multiplying the points of access), give wrong information (distinguish himself as a cheap client) or modify his consumption. Finally, the net neutrality could reduce the incentives to innovation (because of the fixed cost of infrastructure).

Therefore net neutrality relates to the issues of vertical relations in the retail trade. The ISP will thereby be the distributor (the ISP are in reality the distributors in opposition to the content providers): He has access to the consumer, and the consumer has to put up with a fixed change cost, and the distributor can choose the sold products or sell them at different prices. If the material distribution might discriminate, why impose the neutrality to the Internet? Henceforth, this conference will address three series of questions:

  1. Are the relations between providers and distributors on the internet or on the closed networks (VoD, TV, etc) specific and therefore need to be considered with a specific regulation? For example are the lock-in cost different, etc?
  2. Does the metaphor of retail embrace the meaning of the relation provider-supplier on the Internet? For instance, one could argue that the Peer-to-Peer or the active audiences do not embrace a vertical pattern like the providers-distributors-consumers relations.
  3. How can we more specifically characterize the distribution forms that emerge in the digital development and what problems do they cause: Aggregation functions, integration, interoperability, management, information, relocation, national constraints (TVA, regulations of sectors such as pharmaceutical), responsibility (operator…)

Position Paper : La régulation des relations fournisseurs-distributeurs dans le commerce de détail en France, Maya Bacache, Télécom ParisTech, janvier 2009.

The Innovation & Regulation Chair organised a seminar, on Febrary 2nd, 2009, addressing these digital distribution issues.

Health and RFID

On December 11, 2008

Programme and presentations of the Workshop

RFID is not new, neither as a new technology (more than 20 years) nor as new industrial applications. Nevertheless, RFID did not reach all expected applications. Numerous and various prototypes and trials are promising but there are no broad implementations yet.  We propose to question about factors influencing the spreading of this technology and effects of RFID solutions on organizations and value chains. During a workshop organized last December 12th, 2008, the work was structured on three main thematics:

1 – Regulation and governance

a – technical stakes and standardization
b – regulation : role of public institutions (States, EU,FDA,…)
c – privacy and ethics

2 – Impacts on processes :

a – Strategic dimension of projects
b – Logistics and organizational design
c –  Marketing and innovation

3 – Impacts on value chains : health sector case

a – Comparison between European and US situation.
b – Sector regulation
c – Decreasing of medical errors and improvements of medical care
d – Risks, security and players responsibility
e – Costs control and process rationalization.


Innovation and Regulation in Information and Communications Technologies

On December 8, 2008

The Regulation of Digital Services organised a conference on the afternoon of December 11th , 2008, dedicated to Innovation and Regulation in ICTs.

This conférence welcomed :

Paul David, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at Stanford University, Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford,and Titular Professor in the Chair of Innovation and Regulation of Digital Services, and
Marshall van Alstyne, Associate Professorin the scool of management at Boston University and Visiting Professor at MIT,

and the video-conference participation of

Philippe Aghion, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, and
Nicholas Economides, Professor of Economics at Stern School of Business, New York University,

Conference proceedings and programme features:

– Brief introduction of the programme of the Chair and conference : Alain Vallée, Paul David
Innovation, openness & platform control, with Marshall van Alstyne,
– ICT services, innovation, and economic growth, with Philippe Aghion,
Effects of non-neutrality and price discrimination in network services, with Nicolas Economides
Networked digital technology diffusion in Europe’s public sector, with Paul David
– Conclusive remarks: Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Laurent Gille.

Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Development

From October 16, 2008 to October 17, 2008

Programme and presentations of October 2008 seminar.

There are many ways to examine how telecommunications infrastructure, including broadband, relates to economic development. One that comes in mind is a country’s global competitiveness, and index for measuring such competitiveness ranks business competitiveness across countries compared with infrastructure development. But if we want to better understand the effects of information communications technology (ICT) on economic growth and productivity, we might consider the broader context in which ICT is deployed and the conditions under which it has most effectively contributed to economic growth.

Public initiatives and regulators policies have a great importance on the telecommunications infrastructures deployment, while developing a vision and global strategy, investing in infrastructure or stimulating these investments, promoting universal service and proposing government services (healthcare, education..).

Infrastructure Investments significantly increased from the 90s. It is especially the case in mobile networks which have a great importance in developing countries. Empirical studies also show that competition had a significant impact on network deployment.

Regulatory policies, even if real impacts are mixed from one country to another depending from specific needs and constraints, are also of great importance.  Beyond the creation of an Independent Regulatory Authority, actions undertaken by this regulator allow to give credibility and sustainability to governments promotion of private investments.

Finally, business competitiveness is inextricably connected to innovation. The countries with the highest levels of competitiveness have innovation-driven economies and these countries tend to make extensive and sophisticated use of ICT.

During the last decade, telecommunications policies undoubtedly allowed to give access to a large part of the population to telecommunications services, in particular, telephony services. Nevertheless, the “digital divide” at the global level, is still a reality and emergence of new technologies has to avoid enlarging it again, especially between rural and urban zones.

To take stock on this matter and contribute to the debate, the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized a seminar in Paris on October 16 and 17, 2008, in order to provide a platform for researchers, professionals, regulators and policy makers to discuss the latest research in this domain. This seminar brought together representatives from Latin America, Africa, United-States and Europe, to address broadband and economic performance in developed countries, development of mobile networks in developing countries, role of market and institutions in the deployment od telecommunications infrastructures and economic development.

In this framework, the Chair asked to Lynne Holt and Mark Jamison a specific publication on Boadband and the lessons from the US experience.



Published on 9 octobre 2008

The Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair contributed to the Seoul UBB meeting which was designed to find ways to maximize UBB potential and at the same time minimize the accompanying risks.  Special focus were placed on contents and applications, which will serve as drivers for a successful UBB scenario.Leading research in this subject was presented in Seoul by distinguished academia, industry and government researchers and planners from the US, Europe…

Digital economy and search engine regulation

On May 16, 2008

Programme and presentations available in French

In a digital economy which is increasingly becoming information and attention-based economy, search engines are occupying a central role shaped by the symbolic status of Google both in terms of its renown and its dominance of internet traffic.

Nevertheless, economic models and competition structures for search engines are not widely understood. Thanks to their top-heavy IT infrastructures, they come under the network economy. And because they supply service applications, they can also be classified as part of the content economy. Google’s disruptive success is down to the very fact that it has been able to innovate in the technical, service, use and business model spheres, all at the same time.

This diversity explains why it is so difficult to grasp the search engine phenomenon on a global scale. On the one hand, they orchestrate information exchanges on reading uses in return for information on readers, whilst on the other hand they orchestrate information exchanges on readers in return for advertising. Search engines bring together supply and demand for content in a fractal sense; they can insert advertising “both charged and specific” at each interaction node because there is no pre-defined referencing system.

Search engines have many different business models and present a wide variety of economic configurations. Most are based on a “free” business model which makes the search engine market very similar to the media market. It strives to reach the widest possible audience and places great importance in the creation of commercial brands to guarantee a good reputation and appeal. Competition tends to arise not only between digital players, but also in associated markets centered on advertising (e.g. the press). In such a context, the main question we need to ask is whether or not the search engine market should come under a generic set of regulations.

In other respects, compared to traditional information aggregators and databases (directories, television guides, etc.), search engines raise specific legal issues regarding the protection of intellectual property rights. However, these questions arise in a radically different way because of the technology of search engines. We have to underline that a second major source of conflict, which is both little known and often underestimated, concerns trademark law.

The traceability of search requests and consultation processes by diversifying within applications will inevitably be at odds with the rights of individuals: the more or less anonymous nature of the collected information, transparency and length of time for which the information is kept, marketing of the acquired data. Then, some defend strict regulations imposing very short limits and data storage times with a view to defending individuals and their right to keep certain pieces of information confidential. Others feel that freedom of expression and personal choices can be more successfully defended by improving service performance within a transparent context, whilst all public documents should be available by free access, without any censorship as a general principle.

Innovation and Regulation in digital services Chair, organized a seminar concerning these issues on May 16th 2008 to which academic, institutions and Internet players’ representatives did participate.

Les moteurs de recherche : quel cadre d’analyse ?, Pierre-Jean Benghozi,Ecole polytechnique, Chaire Innovation & Régulation des Services Numériques

Search engines: just another business? Nico van Eijk, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

L’internaute comme plate internaute plate-forme : éclairages sur les modèles publicitaires, Philippe Chantepie, chef du DEPS au ministère de la culture,

Quelle régulation de la concurrence ? Denis Lescop, Institut national des telecom, Evry.
Discussion paper Joëlle Toledano, Membre du Collège de l’ARCEP
Moteurs de recherche et droits de propriété intellectuelle, Alain Strowel, professeur aux Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (Bruxelles), à l’Université de Liège, Avocat au barreau de Bruxelles.
Moteurs de recherche et respect de la vie privée, Pierre Trudel, professeur Titulaire de la Chaire L.R. Wilson sur le droit des technologies de l’information et du commerce électronique, Université de Montréal


From April 3, 2008 to April 4, 2008

This seminar bring together regulators, operators and academic researchers from the United States, Korea and Europe to examine the perspective of “Ultrabroadband” (i.E. 1 Gigabit/sec). It was hosted in the framework of the new research Cair on Innovation and Regulation in the Digital Economy and jointly organized with CITI (Columbia Business School, New York), KT and Telecom Italia.

Programme and presentations

Network Neutrality: American and European perspectives

On May 29, 2007

Tim Wu coined the term “network neutrality” in 2003 to describe the view that Internet Service Providers should treat all content and application providers equally, and not act to favor or block user access to particular content or services. Vigorous debate in the US has ensued on the meaning of “network neutrality” in practice, and whether policies to require it should be put in place by lawmakers or regulators.

Programme and presentations.