Artificial Intelligence : fiction or actions ?
–On March 15, 2018Innovation & Regulation 2.0
Publié le 2 juin 2014Behavioral Economics and Regulation Policy
On June 13, 2012Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)
On February 8, 2011Duty of Care for Internet service providers
On November 30, 2010Security, Internet, and the prevention of spam: The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation
On June 23, 2010Management and governance of social networks and digital communities.
From May 26, 2010 to May 27, 2010Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms
On March 31, 2009Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet
On February 2, 2009Innovation and Regulation in Information and Communications Technologies
On December 8, 2008Digital economy and search engine regulation
On May 16, 2008UltraBroadBand
From April 3, 2008 to April 4, 2008Network Neutrality: American and European perspectives
On May 29, 2007Publications
Spectrum 5.0 – Improving assignment procedures to meet economic and social goals.
26 septembre 2017 .Gérard Pogorel, Télécom ParisTech
La 5G, Réseau(x) du futur
26 septembre 2017 .Gilles Brégant, Directeur Général de l’ANFR.
La régulation des plateformes numériques
10 avril 2015 .Compte-rendu détaillé de la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques, organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation, le 7 avril 2015.
La régulation des plateformes numériques : les GAFA et le marché des jeux vidéo
7 avril 2015 .Pierre Forest, PDG de Metaboli
La régulation des plateformes numériques : l’exemple de 1001 pharmacies
7 avril 2015 .Cédric O’Neill, Co-fondateur de la plateforme 1001 pharmacie.
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La régulation des plateformes numériques
7 avril 2015 .Marc Lebourges, Orange
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La régulation des plateformes numériques
7 avril 2015 .Nicolas Curien, CSA
Présentation à la conférence sur la régulation des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Concurrence et régulation dans les marchés de plates-formes
23 octobre 2014 .Marc Bourreau, Professeur, Télécom ParisTech
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Stratégies et modèles d’affaires des plateformes : principes et applications
23 octobre 2014 .Thierry Penard, Professeur, Université Rennes 1
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Plateformes et données personnelles : vices et vertus de l’autorégulation
23 octobre 2014 .Farice Rochelandet, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Enjeux de régulation d’entreprises « cruciales »
23 octobre 2014 .Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professeur des Universités. Sciences Po (Paris)
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
La multiplication des plateformes dans l’industrie des jeux vidéo
23 octobre 2014 .Thierry Rayna, Novencia Business School Paris, Imperial College, Londres.
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Les plateformes d’information : vers de nouvelles régulations ?
23 octobre 2014 .Alain Strowel, Professeur, UC Louvain, Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles.
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Plateformes multi-médiatiques ou comment Internet redistribue les cartes
23 octobre 2014 .Nathalie Sonnac, Professeure, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne
Présentation à la conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation.
Conférence sur l’économie des données personnelles
25 juin 2014 .Conférence sur l’économie des plateformes numériques organisée par la Chaire Innovation & Régulation le 16 Juin 2014.
Conference on economics of personal data
25 juin 2014 .Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of digital platforms, 16 June, 2014.
Innovation & Regulation 2.0
2 juin 2014 .Nicolas Curien, Associate Resercher at Innovation & Regulation Chair
Asymmetric Neutrality Regulation and Innovation at the Edges: Fixed vs. Mobile Networks
30 janvier 2014 .Jay Pil Choy (New South Wales Univ.), Doh-Shin Jeon (Toulouse School of Economics), Byung-Cheol Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Conference on Economics of Information and communication technologies. Paris, January 24-25, 2014
Unbundling the incumbent: Evidence from UK broadbandMattia Nardotto, University of Cologne, Frank Verboven, University of Leuven, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, UK, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, CEPR, UKJournal of the European Economic Association, 2014.
Conference on economics of digital platforms
23 octobre 2013 .Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair on Economics of digital platforms, 23 October, 2014.
Regulating prices in two-sided markets: the waterbed experience in mobile telephonyChristos Genakos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE, London, UK, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, UK, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy, CEPR, UKTelecommunications Policy, vol. 36, n. 5, 360-368, 2012.
Cyber-security : Innovation, regulation et strategic shifts
21 novembre 2012 .Report of the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, November 21, 2012. in Paris
Geographic Access Rules and InvestmentsMarc Bourreau, Telecom ParisTech, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, and CREST-LEI, Paris, Carlo Cambini, Politecnico di Torino and EUI – Florence School of Regulation. Italy, Steffen Hoernig, Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal; CEPR, UK.Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Investment and capital structure of partially private regulated firmsCarlo Cambini, Politecnico di Torino and EUI – Florence School of Regulation. Italy, Yossi Spiegel, Tel Aviv University, CEPR, and ZEW. IsraelPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
Competition enhancing regulation and diffusion of innovation: the case of broadband networksHarald Gruber (European Investment Bank, Luxembourg) Pantelis Koutroumpis (Imperial College London)Presentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Oct. 2012, in on « Economics of ICTs».
The Internet of Things, Legal Aspects: What Will Change (Everything)…Eric Barbry, Attorney-at-law, Alain Bensoussan law firmArticle published in Strategies & Communications Review, in the context of the conférnce organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair in Sept. 2012 on Internet of Things.
Internet of Things: Legal aspectsEric Barbry, Cabinet Alain BensoussanPresentation at the conference of the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Sept. 2012, in on «Internet of Things».
Asia: the raising star on the innovation skylineJean-Paul Simon, JPS Public Policy ConsultingPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent Failure in the Digital WorldJames Bessen, Boston Univ. School of LawPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The tragedy of the patentSimon Forge, SCF Associates LtdPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPRPierre-Jean Benghozi, École Polytechnique, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair, Giuditta de Prato, EC,JRC-IPTSIntroduction to the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The EP-INV dataset and preliminary resultsAndrea Maurino, Univeristy of Milano Bicocca (IT)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Measuring patent quality and radicalness of patents filed by regions: example of the ICT sectorHélène Dernis, REGPAT & OECD-IPR statistics on Digital Technologies, OECD, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
New insights into firm level innovation, user matched UK dataBenjamin Mitra-Kahn, Economic Advisor, Economics, Research & Evidence, UK IP Office
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Use of Network Patent Analysis (NPA) for advanced analysis of patent dataMike Lloyd, Doris Spielthenner,George Mokdsi, (AU)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
From patent data to information tool: Assessing India as an innovation collaboration partnerDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
What are the main strategies to manage a patents por1olio?George Whitten, Patent Attorney Litigator, Qualcomm
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting Strategies: Global R&D NetworksMonica Magnusson, Director, Patent Portfolio Management, EricsonPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Standardisation and software protection strategiesDr Claudia Tapia Garcia, Director, IP Policy Patent & Standards Strategy, RIM
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting strategiesYann Ménière, Ecole des Mines, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent in ChinaYang Yang, Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Global innovation networkDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The dynamics of protection and imitation of innovationsEmeric Henry, Sciences Po Paris, Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda, Ecole PolytechniquePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Platform Competition under Asymmetric InformationHanna Halaburda, Harvard Business School, Yaron Yehezkel, Tel Aviv University
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Understanding the Effects of Violent Video Games on Violent CrimeA. Scott Cunningham, Baylor University, Benjamin Engelstätter, ZEW Mannheim, Michael R. Ward, University of Texas at Arlington
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Regulating one side of a two-sided market: the French advertising ban on prime-time state televisionLapo Filistrucchi, Department of Economics, CentER and TILEC, Tilburg University and Department of Economics, University of Florence, Luigi Luini, Department of Economics, University of Siena, Andrea Mangani, Department of Economics, University of PisaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Joint Customer Data Acquisition and Sharing among RivalsNicola Jentzsch, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) and Technische Universität Berlin, Geza Sapi, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Irina Suleymanova, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) and Technische Universität Berlin.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Online advertising and privacyAlexandre de Corniere, Romain de Nijs, Paris School of Economics and CREST (LEI).
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Does the growth of mobile markets cause the demise of fixed networks? – Evidence from the European UnionAnne-Kathrin Barth, Ulrich Heimeshoff, Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Online Sharing and Cultural GlobalizationAndres Hervas-Drane, City University London – Sir John Cass Business School, Eli M. Noam, Columbia Business School – Finance and Economics; Columbia Business School – Institute for Tele InformationPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Acquisitions, Entry and Innovation in Network IndustriesPehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson and Joacim Tåg, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Sweden.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Investment, Dynamic Consistency and the Sectoral Regulator’s ObjectiveDuarte Brito, Departamento de CiÍncias Sociais Aplicadas, Faculdade de CiÍncias e Tecnologia, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CEFAGE-UE, Pedro Pereira, AdC, Joao Vareda, AdC and ISTPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Access Rules and Investment IncentivesDavid Sauer, Toulouse School of Economics, FrancePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Can Access Price Indexation Promote Efficient Investment in Next Generation Networks?David Henriques, New York University, L. Stern School of Business, Nova School of Business and Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Role of access charges in the migration from copper to FTTHFrançois Jeanjean & Julienne Liang, Orange, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Essential Patents and Standard DynamicsJustus Baron, Cerna, Centre d’économie industrielle. MINES ParisTech,France, Knut Blind, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin Germany, Tim Pohlmann, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin, Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Taste for exclusivity and intellectual property rightsDominik Grafenhofer, Toulouse School of Economics, Christian Kiedaisch, ETH Zurich
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Intangibles and accounting structures in regulated industries: conceptual framework and practicesGiuseppe Marzo, University of Ferrara, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Margin squeeze strategies in the telecom sector: a comparative analysis of US and European competitive case-lawFrédéric Marty, CNRS Fellow, Research Group on Law, Economics and ManagementPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Complementarities, intangibles and the corporate accounting system: an economic map for industrial regulationYuri Biondi, PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique, France, Pierpaolo Giannoccolo, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Dynamic (In)consistent Antitrust Enforcement and Cartel Infringement Antitrust and Cartel: A Differential Game ApproachMehdi Feizi, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
The investment and innovation dilemma in regulation : Theory and international experiencesChristine Müller, WIK, GermanyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Complexité tarifaire, pouvoir de marché et régulation : le cas des télécommunicationsLilia Rebaï, Sup Com’Tunis, David Flacher, Université Paris 13 – CEPN – CNRS UMR 7234Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Three fundamental trends structuring digital economics and its challengesFranck Lirzin & Stéphane Reiche, Mines ParisTechPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Does Public Contract Law meets Accounting? A comparative analysis of the Judge’assassment of cost pricing in litigation on contract performance (France-US)Thierry Kirat, CNRS-IRISSO-Paris Dauphine, Laurent Vidal, Institut André Tunc, Paris 1Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
Infomédiaires et éditeurs de contenu : entre coopération et concurrenceFranck Rebillard, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Marchés de plates-formes et intégration verticaleXavier Wauthy, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Quelles formes d’exclusivités pour les contenus audiovisuels ?Pascal Wilhelm, Avocat, cabinet Wilhelm & AssociésPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Le numérique : enjeux des questions de concurrenceAnne Perrot, Vice-Président of the Competition AuthorityPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)Detailed report of the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s)«
Cultures-Médias et Numérique : Nouvelles questions de concurrence(s)
Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Mutations des réseaux et effets sur le marché des contenusThierry Pénard, Université de Rennes 1, CREM, Marsouin. France
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
La pratique des autorités de concurrence face à la révolution numériqueOlivier Sautel (Microeconomix), Chercheur associé à l’OFCE.
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Convergence numérique et redéfinition des marchés pertinents : quel partage des rôles entre politiques de concurrence et régulation sectorielle ?Frédéric Marty CNRS–GREDEG (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, the GIS Culture-médias et Numérique, and the Department of studies, forecasting, and statistics (Ministry of Culture and Communication) in Paris, February 8, 2011, on « Culture-media and Digital: new questions on competition(s) ».
Duties of Care for Internet services providersProf. Dr. Nico van Eijk, Institute for Information Law (IViR), Catherine Jasserand, LL.MPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 30 November 2010
Privacy Regulation and Online AdvertisingAvi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker, University of Toronto and MIT Sloan
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, September 15, 2010, on »Search and Web Advertising Strategies and Their Effects on Consumers »
Economics of malware: security decisions, incentives and externalities
Michel Van Eeten, Delft University of Technology, NL, Johannes M. Bauer, Michigan State University, USA.
OECD, STI WORKING PAPER 2008/1, Information and Communication Technologies
The Software Interface between opyright and Competion Law. A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer ProgramsAshwin Vanrooijen, Clifford ChancePresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Technological normativity v. Legal normativity – the virtues of the explicitYves Poullet & Antoinette Rouvroy, CRID–FUNDP, Namur, Belgium
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Standardisation, Innovation, EU Neighbourhood Policies and beyondRichard Delmas, EC-DG-INFSOPresentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Considerations on Innovation and Competition PolicyGeorg C. F. Greve, Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Time Consistency and Seller Commitment in Inter-temporal Movie Distribution: An Empirical Study of the Video Window
9 février 2009 .David Waterman, Sung-Choon Lee, Indiana University, Andrew A. Weiss, Australian National Univ. Presentation at the conference organized by the I&R Chair, Paris, Feb 2 , 2009, on “Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet”.
Price Discrimination in Input MarketsTommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, University or Rome and CEPR, Roman Inderst, University of Frankfurt, Imperial College London and CEPR
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Foreclosing Competition through Access Charges and Price DiscriminationÁngel L. López, IESE (SP-SP), Patrick Rey, Toulouse School of Economics
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Retail Planning and Retail Food Sector: Empirical Analysis and Assessment of the Raffarin LawJean-Louis Monino, University Montpellier I, Stephane Turolla, University Rennes I
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
The Galland Law and its ReformsMarie-Laure Allain, Department of Economics, Ecole polytechique, CNRS, CREST-LEI, Claire Chambolle, INRA and Laboratoire d’Econométrie de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Thibaud Vergé, ENSAE, CREST-LEI.Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
E-commerce and vertical relationshipsAnne Perrot, Vice-Présidenteof the Competition AuthorityPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, February 2 , 2009, on « Producers and distributors: can regulation of retail help for better regulation of the Internet ».
Catching up in broadband regressions: Does Local Loop Unbundling Really Lead to Material Increases in OECD Broadband Uptake?Glenn Boyle, Bronwyn Howell (New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation (ISCR), New Zealand), Wei Zhang Southern Illinois University, USPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Inconsistent Regulation, Market Structure and Broadband Adoption in the EU: A Dynamic ModelRichard Cadman, SPC Network and ESRC, Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, UK
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Towards Evidence Based ICT Policy: Access & Usage in 17 African CountriesAlison Gillwald, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Mobile vs fixed networks: economics and regulation, the African experienceLaurent Gille, Télécom ParisTech, France
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, October 16 and 17, 2008, on « Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic growth »
Moteurs de recherche et respect de la vie privéePierre Trudel, professeur Titulaire de la Chaire L.R. Wilson sur le droit des technologies de l’information et du commerce électronique, Université de MontréalPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
Moteurs de recherche et propriété intellectuelle. Du gratuit au payant : du droit d’auteur au droit de marqueAlain Strowel, professeur aux Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (Bruxelles), à l’Université de Liège, Avocat au barreau de Bruxelles
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
Les moteurs de recherche : quelle régulation de la concurrence ?Denis Lescop, Telecom & Management SudParis, Pôle Innovation du CEMANTIC, CRESE.
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
L’internaute comme plate-forme : éclairages sur les modèles publicitairesPhilippe Chantepie, DPES, Ministry of Culture, Paris 8 University, IEP Paris.
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
Search engines: just another business?Nico van Eijk, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, NLPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
Les moteurs de recherche : quel cadre d’analyse ?Pierre-Jean Benghozi, École polytechnique-CNRS, Chaire Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 16 May 2008, on « Digital economy and search engine regulation »
Infrastructure sharing and ultrabroadband policies: an operator’s perspectiveLorenzo Pupillo, Telecom ItaliaPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, April, 3&4, 2008, on UltraBroadBand: The next generation of infrastructure and applications »
Market structure for UltraBroadband: Should We Expect Multiple, Competitive UBB Access Infrastructures or Regulated Monopoly UBB Utility? (or Something Else?)Bob Atkinson, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI), Columbia University Business School, NYC, USPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, April, 3&4, 2008, on UltraBroadBand: The next generation of infrastructure and applications »
Vision of the future from the point of view of a Regulatory AuthorityGabrielle Gauthey, member of the Board of ARCEP, (French Regulatory Authority)Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, April, 3&4, 2008, on UltraBroadBand: The next generation of infrastructure and applications »
European prospective on net neutralitySébastien Soriano, ARCEP, FRPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
Net neutrality : an issue in Europe and France ?Marc Lebourges, Orange Group
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
Net Neutrality – A Network Operator’s PerspectiveRoland Doll, Deutsche Telekom, Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
Network Neutrality and PrioritizationJohn McCarthy, Level 3 CommunicationsPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
What is the full cost of net neutrality?Richard N. Clarke, Regulatory Planning and Policy, AT&T
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
No share of the Internet is neutralRobert Briscoe, BT Laboratories, UK
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
Network Neutrality and Consumer Welfare?J. Gregory Sidak, Georgetown University Law Center, US
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
Net Neutrality: Unbundling or do nothing?Tim Wu, Columbia University, NYC,USPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
What is the Network Neutrality Debate About?Marvin Sirbu, Carnegie Mellon University and ENSTPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, May 29, 2007, on « Network Neutrality :American and European Perspectives »
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