There are circumstances in which companies benefit from sharing their research and development activities with their clients downstream, their providers upstream, and sometimes even with their competitors. Through collaboration with their clients companies gain important knowledge about the needs of the end-user and in turn collaboration with their providers with ensure companies that the products and services they require are adjusted to their needs. Cooperation with competitors in turn may make it easier to create or improve a common platform and with it a new market. Besides, by joining forces and removing barriers to access knowledge companies may be able to innovate at a higher pace.
The goal of our research is to figure out when and how companies should opt for open innovation.
Open and distributed innovation
On June 11, 2009Innovation and Regulation in Information and Communications Technologies
On December 8, 2008Publications
Crowdfunding and the Geography of Innovation
2 novembre 2017 .Avi Goldfarb, Toronto University
40 years of innovations and economic models learnings in the video game industry
14 mars 2014 .Myriam Davidovici-Nora Télécom ParisTech
When the Digital Economy Enables Charity for Free : the Case of Search Engines
14 mars 2014 .Julie Bastinutti (University of Lille 1 ‐ LEM) & Cécile Chamaret (Paris-Sorbonne & Abou Dhabi University & CRG, Ecole polytechnique)
Investment strategies in the value chain of the book publishing sector: how and where the R&D someway matter in creative industries?
14 mars 2014 .Pierre-Jean Benghozi et Elisa Salvador, Management Research Center (CRG), École polytechnique, Paris
Making ecosystems deliver innovations: a crosssector review
14 mars 2014 .Rémi Maniak, Télécom ParisTech, École polytechnique
Use Case: Business Intelligence « New Generation » For a « Zero Latency » Organization (when decisonal & operational BI are fully embedded)
9 février 2013 .Fernando Iafrate, Disneyland Paris -
Managing extended organizations and data governance
9 février 2013 .Eric Buffenoir, UMR 5221 CNRS, Montpellier, France, Isabelle Bourdon, Montpellier Research Management, Montpellier University 2 -
Interoperable Systems and Software Evolution: Issues and Approaches
9 février 2013 .Norman Wilde, Sikha Bagui, John Coffey, Eman El-Sheikh, Thomas, Reichherzer, Laura White, George Goehring, Chris Terry, University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, U. S. A. -
GrammAds: Keyword and Ad Creative Generator for Online Advertising Campaigns
9 février 2013 .Stamatina Thomaidou, Athens University of Economics and Business, Konstantinos Leymonis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Michalis Vazirgiannis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique & Athens University of Economics and Business -
From Open Innovation to Open Enterprise: Transformation of Digital Pioneering Enterprises
9 février 2013 .Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Fondation Télécom- Institut Mines Télécom, France -
Convergence & Organisational Transformation Internal media perspective
9 février 2013 .Sylvain Lafrance, Pôle Médias, HEC Montreal, CanadaPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
The Enterprise as the Experiential Design Platform
9 février 2013 .Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University,USPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
IT-Business Strategic Alignment Maturity
9 février 2013 .Jerry Luftman, Global Institute for IT ManagementPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
The challenges of Digital Transformation
9 février 2013 .Jean-René Lyon, WydePresentation at the DEDM conférence -
Information Systems Modelling For Enterprise Systems Interoperability
9 février 2013 .Hervé Panetto, University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy, Research Centre for Automatic Control, FrancePresentation at the DEDM conférence -
Business Intelligence For a Zero Latency organization
9 février 2013 .Fernando Iafrate, Disneyland ParisPresentation at the DEDM conférence -
Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPRPierre-Jean Benghozi, École Polytechnique, Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair, Giuditta de Prato, EC,JRC-IPTSIntroduction to the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
The EP-INV dataset and preliminary resultsAndrea Maurino, Univeristy of Milano Bicocca (IT)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Measuring patent quality and radicalness of patents filed by regions: example of the ICT sectorHélène Dernis, REGPAT & OECD-IPR statistics on Digital Technologies, OECD, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
New insights into firm level innovation, user matched UK dataBenjamin Mitra-Kahn, Economic Advisor, Economics, Research & Evidence, UK IP Office
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Use of Network Patent Analysis (NPA) for advanced analysis of patent dataMike Lloyd, Doris Spielthenner,George Mokdsi, (AU)Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
From patent data to information tool: Assessing India as an innovation collaboration partnerDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
What are the main strategies to manage a patents por1olio?George Whitten, Patent Attorney Litigator, Qualcomm
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting Strategies: Global R&D NetworksMonica Magnusson, Director, Patent Portfolio Management, EricsonPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Standardisation and software protection strategiesDr Claudia Tapia Garcia, Director, IP Policy Patent & Standards Strategy, RIM
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patenting strategiesYann Ménière, Ecole des Mines, Paris
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Patent in ChinaYang Yang, Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications (WiCO), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Presentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Global innovation networkDaniel Nepelski & Giuditta De Prato, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies-IPTS, Joint Research Centre-European CommissionPresentation at the Conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Service Chair on « Patent Statistics, innovation management and IPR », June 5, 2012.
Net neutrality and innovation at the core and at the edge
1 avril 2012 .Carlo Reggiani, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK, Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College London, University of Rome, Telecom ParisTech and CEPR -
The dynamics of protection and imitation of innovationsEmeric Henry, Sciences Po Paris, Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda, Ecole PolytechniquePresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Evidence on the Impact of R&D and ICT Investment on Innovation and Productivity in Italian FirmsBronwyn H. Hall, University of California at Berkeley, Maastricht University, NBER, and IFS. Deparment of Economics, Francesca Lotti, Economic Research Department, Bank of Italy, Jacques Mairesse, CREST (ENSAE, Paris), UNU-MERIT (Maastricht University), and NBERPresentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Essential Patents and Standard DynamicsJustus Baron, Cerna, Centre d’économie industrielle. MINES ParisTech,France, Knut Blind, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin Germany, Tim Pohlmann, Berlin University of Technology, Chair of Innovation Economics, Berlin, Germany
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
Taste for exclusivity and intellectual property rightsDominik Grafenhofer, Toulouse School of Economics, Christian Kiedaisch, ETH Zurich
Presentation at the conference organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, September 30-October 1st, 2011, on « Economics of Information and Communication Technologies »
La technologie comme outil créatif : les enseignements du processus de création dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo
30 septembre 2011 .Patrick Lê, HEC School of management, David Massé, Simon Berthet-Bondet, PREG-CRG Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas Paris, HEC/PREG-CRG. Presentation at the workshop organized by the I&R Chair and IPTS, Sept. 13, 2011, on “The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem”
Les jeux vidéo : une filière des industries culturelles ? Éléments de cadrage, hypothèses et perspectives de recherchesLucien Perticoz, GRESEC– Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, FrancePresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Introduction au phénomène du Machinima du point de vues des économistesMassimiliano Gambardella, EconomiX, Université de Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Effets de la convergence d’industries sur le choix stratégique associé à l’organisation du processus d’innovation : Le cas du jeu vidéo et du cinéma d’animationRomain Gandia, Groupe ESC Chambéry, France
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Processus d’innovation Business Model dans l’industrie du jeu vidéoChahira Mehouachi, DRM, Université Paris-Dauphine, Patrick Cohendet, Mosaic, HEC Montréal, BETA, Université de Strasbourg, Pierre-Jean Benghozi, CRG, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Chaire Innovation & Régulation des Services Numériques
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair and IPTS, September 13, 2011, on « The evolving video Games Software Ecosystem »
Complementarities, intangibles and the corporate accounting system: an economic map for industrial regulationYuri Biondi, PREG-CRG Ecole polytechnique, France, Pierpaolo Giannoccolo, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, ItalyPresentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 16 March 2011, on « Innovation in Network Industries: Accounting, economic and regulatory implications »
The Software Interface between opyright and Competion Law. A Legal Analysis of Interoperability in Computer ProgramsAshwin Vanrooijen, Clifford ChancePresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Interoperability, Open Standards, Free Software after MicrosoftCarlo Piana, LawyerPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
How to license interoperability? A start-up perspectiveMikko Valimaki, Helsinki University of Technology.Presentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
ICT Interoperability and e-Innovation. Some conclusions from a transatlantic studyUrs Gasser, Law Ewecutive Director, Berkman Center and University of St Gallen. SwitzerlandPresentation at the seminar organized by the Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair, in Paris, 23 June 2009, on « Inteoperability ».
Standardisation, Innovation, EU Neighbourhood Policies and beyondRichard Delmas, EC-DG-INFSOPresentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Considerations on Innovation and Competition PolicyGeorg C. F. Greve, Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
Presentation at the Workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, 31 March, 2009, on »Technical regulation of the Internet : from technical standards to behavioral and societal norms ».
Adoption of Digital Information Network Technology by Public Sector Service Organizations in EuropeJean-Sébastien Bedo, Orange Labs, Paris, Paul A. David, Stanford University & UNU-MERIT (Maastricht) & Chaire Innovation et Régulation des Services Numérique, Paris and Andrea Pozzi, Stanford University.Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 8, 2008, on « Innovation & regulation in ICTs »
Innovation, Openness & Platform ControlGeoffrey Parker, Tulane University, Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston University & MIT
Presentation at the workshop organized by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Services Chair, Paris, December 8, 2008, on « Innovation & regulation in ICTs »
Research Topics