Attention economics challenging cultural and media services

Publié le 7 octobre 2015

The Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services Chair organized, with the Pôle Medias – HEC Montreal, last September 21th, 2015, a conference on “attention economics“.

Abundance of digital services and globalization of competition, especially in cultural matters, renews the question of attention and its “capture”. In the digital environment the issue of attention has taken in recent years an increasing role in understanding the changes in media and culture economics.

“Technologies of attention” will have deployed, ranging from neuroscience to attentional psychology, neuromarketing to algorithms, along with the renewal of methodologies measuring audience, usage, memories, etc. As attention appears the foremost value of a primarily advertising supported economy to which, of course, the media, but also cultural sector are no exception, the economic and marketing dimensions are prevalent


Find here the presentation from:

Thierry Baccino, Directeur scientifique du Laboratoire des usages en technologies de l’information Numériques (LUTIN),

Sylvain Sénécal, Co-directeur, Professeur, Département du marketing, Tech3Lab,

Kevin Mellet, Economiste, Orange Labs,

Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs,

Philippe Tassi, Directeur général adjoint chez Mediametrie-eStat,

Dominique Boullier, Professeur, Directeur du MediaLab, Sciences Po,

Eric Scherer, France Télévions,

Alain Le Diberder, Directeur des programmes, ARTE.